
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

the other side of crash 'n burn

i know i shouldn't have giggled when she whispered "i'm fit", and i definitely shouldn't have told her that she'd had too much to drink. i shouldn't have patted her on the head, and then responded to her "that's very patronizing" with "yes, i know".

she really should've bought me that beer, drunk the shooter that i bought for her, and not tried to give me advice about what women expect - all i could think of after that episode was "you're totally, completely, utterly not in my league".

that was the second girl to crash and burn, the first couldn't put together a simple sentence, and i don't know if it's because she was drunk or because she's lacking the capacity on a fundamental level. i don't have the energy to deal with stupid people.

otherwise the electro at fiction was awesome. i'm trying to ignore the final minutes when some guy was closing in on a leg-humping (that really wasn't doing it for me), but in general it was a good vibe. a pity we didn't go through with our original plan, the forest mission's been deferred to what looks to be thursday.

also good.

the day:
  • mr price doesn't sell sweaters

  • i went to visit my nieces. i haven't seen the younger one's friend in a couple of years and she's now taller than me and really good-looking... *sigh*

  • i went through the neighbourhood i grew up in, getting some exercise while taking random photos

  • i met up with sweetiepie for lunch: she was late, so more arbitrary photography occurred in the area surrounding wembley square before lunch. lunch was moerse expensive, but very good, and it's always fun to see her.

  • i went past call-a-pizza on the way home to buy my own copy of slug - hardwired, joined in the punch-tasting (very good) and went through to pick 'n pay to buy a whole roast chicken and provoke more people with my closer to mario shirt.

  • my mom and i tried one last time (okay, two last times) to place the cupboard, but due to a horrific design flaw we've taken it down until professional help can be sought. i'm surprised that the damn thing held up until now

  • my mum treated me to sushi at willoughby's. fantastic sushi, i'm a bit sad that i found it so filling but i enjoyed every mouth-watering bite. shite, i'm salivating again!
    we had a good talk, specifically about family stuff and future plans, and laughed a lot at the strange passers-by

  • protoplasm and SO picked me up and we went through to fiction.

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