
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

too quiet

we cleaned today, a proper clean that really took it out of me. after lunch we watched the first few episodes of noir... or tried to, at any rate. the problem is that it's interesting, but so incredibly peaceful that it was impossible not to pass out.

we've paid the caretaker's fees, gone out for ice-cream, and in a second i'm going to do the dishes, finish packing, and go to bed. i have to be at the train station by 6am... so much for getting some rest.

i'm still upset about thursday's review. this is baggage i really don't need to be carrying with me into the next phase.

here's to another two weeks!

more earth potential. in the meanwhile, we need some CO and CO2 breathers

slashdotted - the following articles might be interesting, but the discussions are hysterical:

louisiana enables ID...

have we seen the last of jack thompson?

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