an insane caffeine-high caused by a cup consumed about four hours ago is still going strong. i *always* ask for a cup that'll make my head explode, and this is the first time i've had my request granted. the man who dosed me is a king.
i needed that coffee after a long day of new year's activities, project closures (all good) and generally saying goodbye until sunday ^_^
last night i met up with singer at zinc, for what's become my usual sea-food risotto. i was quite agitated, and we had a really drawn out argument concerning exercise. on the way back, things were very touchy-feely and that kinda made me uncomfortable. i mean, i like this girl but i'm not ready to enter boyfriend phase.
i slept beautifully last night.
i actually took the train to base this morning, and aside from a small screw-up have discovered that it's way more pleasant than using the shuttle. but i sent through a formal complaint about the shuttle anyway.
post-caffeine: i walked to dizengoff center to draw cash, then found the hangout of the crusties selling tickets. i was told to go and sit by the bar, but wasn't informed that the guy sitting there was doing the selling - i felt pretty silly after discovering that i'd been sitting next to him and waiting for over ten minutes...
and then the other guy came in, and it turned out that i was supposed to wait. much amusement ensued. decent guys, by my reckoning, but dropping NIS 570 in one go was quite painful. and i haven't yet shelled out for the theatre tickets for her father, so tomorrow's going to hurt as well.
i did buy a towel on the way back. my copy of slaine: the horned god hasn't been organized yet :(
they've ruined fallout boy's only good song
an amusing link
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