no partying, i went straight home. on my way i spoke to my taekwondo instructor; i think she's finally realized how 'orrible my existence is. they're training for the world championships coming up in korea, so i've been invited to join them friday afternoon and saturday night. i'd really like to go, even though i know how out of shape i am.
i showered (once again suffering too much hot water), and went to bed.
i slept completely soundly. i dreamed wonderful dreams, and i'm guessing that my brain having had a chance to process all the drama from yesterday improved matters somewhat. regardless, i was so relaxed this morning, i found it damn near impossible to get out of bed.
on base, i discovered that i was correct - i *had* arrived early for my appointment. and i sent the interviewer an email (helped by the kid, it was an extremely well-written one) to clarify a couple of points that i'd had difficulty explaining due to the stress he caused me and my lack of decent hebrew... i hope it does more good than harm.
we spent a couple of hours on a problem that's been plaguing us the last couple of weeks (that which sent me running around like a madman on thursday), and finally discovered that there were two main factors:
1) our previous commander. he and the girl who's in charge of our client section had obviously discussed the change in the system in bed, and something tells me he wasn't in the best state of mind to be talking business - there was a bug on our side that he's totally responsible for
2) same girl, doing something incredibly suspicious and then throwing a fit when it didn't work. she *did* externally manage to create the problem, which means we're *not* responsible
there'll be a nice, long, formal letter as soon as we've really gotten to the bottom of this one.
he actually walked around the counter to look me up and down, and then stared at me in shock and said "80 kilos? where??"
stupid bastard. it's all in my legs, you twit.
after lunch i had a meeting with my SC, to inform him of yesterday's proceedings. his responses left me with nothing but respect for the man. i walked out feeling a bit better about everything.
during the afternoon, some joker locked my messenger. i actually restarted my computer to get it back... although in retrospect, i could probably have just closed the process :$
on the other hand, if i'd done that i wouldn't have had an excuse to go walkabout for half an hour.
the rest of the afternoon was spent standardizing the kid's new code. that meant pressing the tab button way more than i'm comfortable with. it SUCKED.
the bus to work - there was a terrorist warning for our area, so every stop was spent staring suspiciously at the people around, hoping not to have to jump out and wrestle anybody. s'belle was on the same bus, it was quite weird. we've both had enough of each other, but to be ignoring somebody in such close proximity is uncomfortable.
work tonight has been fun.
the picture of the tab button reminds me of a story (i'm sure i've written it somewhere before, but i couldn't find it, so suffer):
once upon a time (circa '97), we used to hang out at an internet cafe in main rd, sea point. i got there one evening, and the guy working there had spent the entire day setting up a multiplayer game in warcraft ii. there was no way for him to save it, and he threatened me that if i close the game i'd be sorry.
stupid human. you tell somebody not to do something, he's going to itch. i thought i'd mess with him, and alt-tab out of the game - cleverly being able to quickly restore it and have a good laugh.
i pressed the buttons. i was immediately enlightened to the fact that alt-tab immediately, with no warning, closed the game. properly closed. i properly wasted all his hard work.
enraged, he took me outside and beat the crap out of me. and the worst part? i *knew* i deserved it. i would'a done the same.
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