
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


i went past the lizard, and spent an hour or two catching up and chilling with the boys. no girls to speak of, though. always a pity.

then i took a slow walk home, showered, and put myself to bed. i lay in bed preparing a speech for my "achieving" sergeant, and i guess i finally got to sleep around 2am.

i woke up alright, got ready pretty quickly, and managed to get the good bus to base. first item of the morning was rescuing the kid from some bastards who wouldn't let him return his weapon - moronic little boys all hyped-up on their first day on the job. i did a bit of work, had a little chat with my commander, and sent out a mass email to invite everyone to my little rank ceremony.

at 11am, we held a ceremony to say goodbye to a really annoying girl who's being released. i got her another can of tuna. she was actually excited. go figure. i can't even think of a good reason for a gift of tuna.

at 11.30 we held my ceremony, and quite a lot of people attended. so many, in fact, that a lot of them left because they couldn't get close enough to the door to see / hear what was going on - let's just say that i surprised my commanders. i doubt they'll schedule me 10 minutes in a small office twice ;)

there were some really nice speeches. when it came to my turn, i was really nervous about getting it all right, and i left out a rather large chunk. but what i did manage was really well-received, and i'm most satisfied that some of it got out. i'm generally terrible with these sorts of things.

lunch was alright, having a haircut made me all scratchy, and i finished two important bits of work. one of them was code-improvement, and i managed to make one of our new system's screens much, much faster. in developer, even. so i'm pretty chuffed.

i spent the rest of the afternoon arbing around, saying goodbye (even though it's only for two weeks), and clearing my desk. it was a really calm sunday afternoon.

i arrived at work about an hour ago, and i'm enjoying closing up my current projects. i can't believe i'm leaving tomorrow!

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