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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

comfortably numb

i got to the mall, and disappointed the mongoose because i'd forgotten to arrive in uniform. so we had to jump the wall of our base.

hmmm. dodgy.

we got a bit of work done, then left. i watched total recall when i got home - great film! and then the mongoose picked me up to take me to ra'anana.

i spent the night at the mermaid's. i can't believe i slept with her (that went VERY well), and then decided (again) that i'm just not interested.

what a prick. i've become a total bastard.
or have i? i don't really care TOO much. and she does cook worse than her mom - OUCH.

the mongoose picked me up early this afternoon, and we came back to work at my place. it's nice to have a pc of my own to work from.
very nice.

got quite a lot done, then went to the mall. bought a solar-powered smiley face that bobs his head hypnotically - i'm calling him pustulio. had a huge supper, then walked to the lizard.

we talked and chilled for a bit, i've just returned, and am considering doing some more work.

cigarette count for yesterday: 0.
cigarette count for today: 4.

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