
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

fits - the good, the bad, and the OMG

the bad:

i had a long talk with mmf yesterday on the way back to tel aviv, and things are much clearer now. i feel terrible about the fact that they're as unhappy with me as i am with them: not, as mmf stressed, because the issues we've been having aren't real, but because he and my boss have no clue how to work with me.

1. they're uncomfortable assigning me work as a part-time employee.
2. they're uncomfortable with things like design and planning, and they're not into things like code reviews (unless it's by request)

the reason i feel bad, though, is because they're disappointed with my work. it doesn't matter that it's all justified by a long series of last-minutes changes, reversals, redesigns, etc. i'm not happy when i don't succeed. and even the bits that have been successes haven't been satisfying ones; more a trial-and-error thing. my boss is the web-dev whizz, and when he himself hasn't a clue what the problem is and we resort to "best guess"-ing, i lose interest. that's not what i do for a living.

at least now i won't feel bad if i do find something else.


i spent wednesday morning learning about hmtl validation, from which nystire rescued me by arriving in herzeliya for lunch. a bit more got done before home-time, by which time i was sick of the whole thing.

the good:

pg and i watched the bloaty's pizza hog episode before i left for a work break on my blades. *that* work was fun, and we're now ready for deployment :)

it didn't rain on my way back. score! pg and i played tekken, i continued with abe's exoddus until dinner time, then began to learn how to cut a whole chicken. after dinner we played the WOW card game. it's the first opportunity i've had since i bought the cards, and it took a while to sort out the rules but overall it was quite fun. it only took three or four hours to beat pg... but that includes deck-building time :P

at midnight pg brought out meringue dessert in celebration of us being together for a year. after walking the dog at 3am, i contemplated the fact that it's been a year since i got back from india. where am i now? how has it been relative to my expectations? whose life is this, anyway?


i slept late, and was going to spend the morning organizing but i kinda got sidetracked.

the OMG:

i got screwed: i bought my kindle about two months ago and since then the touch has not only become available, but it's almost $100 cheaper? DAMMIT!!!

(no reading! familiar? like my experience with the canadian embassy.)

i decided it was time to change my screensavers: after the initial install i proper-fucked the thing, having tried to search for the book i was reading while it was still loading... after that, after quite an effort i learned to reset the device (you DON'T remove the back cover!), and then got caught up going through, which has a magnificent collection and i only got through to july before pg stopped me :P


now about to go get some exercise before our flashy celebratory dinner tonight.


ashpoopie and crap dna testing combine to show israel leading the world in the war on the landmines that most people *really* care about.

that wasn't intended to be snarky social commentary, but it works out either way.

next step: the PETA version. incinerates and blends your dog.

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