
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, August 15, 2011

organizing song

taking woodstock is a far out, groovy movie. a strange take on the topic, with far less original footage than i anticipated and a perfect companion piece to the documentary: it raises a whole lot of questions that the real thing provides the answers to.


tough wake-up, in spite of receiving an extra couple of hours. my mum dropped us off at the jewish museum with a quick intro, and we went through it fairly quickly... although towards the zapiro exhibit, i had to summarize a whole lot of history involving the jews and apartheid, and i was quite surprised to find myself choked up. and i'd been there before.

we stopped afterwards to talk to a guy i used to be really good friends with. after an ultra-expensive and unimpressive lunch, we sprinted through the holocaust center. it's incredible how effective such a simple, well thought-out exhibit can be. i highly recommend it, even if you're already jaded.

we drove home and took an uninspiring walk through the flea market, where "my friends" showed me their wares and displayed their greed shamelessly. it felt... like india. we went the long way around on the return, picking up austalian mango liquorice from giovanni's and stopping for dumplings and sushi at the chinese place across the road.

not bad.

krybabie and his family arrived for a dinner that had had to be way over-prepared due to their rather demanding "over and above" kosher requirements, but it worked out well and the conversation was comfortable. much later, after agreeing that goofy is a dog, i went upstairs with pg and my mother to visit my uncle who's recovering from the operation he underwent on friday. israeli politics were the order of the evening.

i'd probably consider running for my proposed "sacrificial party" if it didn't mandate arguing logic with israelis.

we watched the movie when we got back, and i finally got to performing my first duty as webmaster. i am now quite distressed about using my mother's pc, in spite of it being more comfortable (physically, not emotionally) than a netbook...

... post uploaded about nine hours later. after much sleep, discovering that my webmaster's bursary award has been transferred, and an otherwise great start to the day.

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