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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

minorities - personal edition

[see the previous post for the national edition]

i don't worship
or science

just a figment of my imagination that i call

what kind of a minority am i?
or is there a tiny bit of me in everyone?


i finally finished reading the scarlet letter during first class, and i - quite surprisingly - enjoyed the ending. i wolfed down a decent lunch between classes, the got drizzled on on my way to second.
after second we went up to the designated classroom to watch the first part of king henry iv, but the secretary had organized us a projector without a dvd player. useful. the building's caretaker told me there was nothing to be done but seek another class - fat chance finding one - and so we ended up in the lecturer's tiny office watching it intimately on his computer.

better than nothing, really. co-conspirator began to grate on my nerves when she complained about the acting being so - shakespearian. she's a film student, for chrissake's! she's also planning on taking her master's, and we got into an argument after the screening concerning her attitude that the secretariat should make it clear when there're interesting events on campus... more clear than sending four or five reminders by email. she couldn't understand why *i* don't take it upon myself to remind everyone.

what, are we in nursery school? or the army? DAMN.

after convincing her that i hadn't meant to get so upset, i was going to introduce her to the wonders of the wiki world (she's never used wikipedia before?) but another girl in the labs caught me with a stumper: how to copy and paste excel tables into word with a hebrew interface. by the time i'd turned back co-conspirator had gone.

while waiting for sir ronald harwood's lecture to begin, i found myself dragged into a conversation with an elderly member of the arts faculty; i'm terrible with extricating myself from awkward conversations.

the lecture was delightful! and quite edifying. i'm waiting for my mum to get back to me on a question of names i've already forgotten - i suspect that sir ronald harwood and i went to the same speech teacher, and i was dying to tell him that she'd be disappointed in his pronunciation of the word "off" - "o" as in "cot" :P

the questions afterwards were irritating - some mere praise, some merely trying to use a q&a session as a platform to boast - and i caught up with co-conspirator and introduced her to marvellous world of "fix it yourself" (wiki). we then discussed humanities politics before i ran off to catch the bus to work.

work was a quick and fun two hours - i'm really glad i'm enjoying it, and a bit irritated that i'm not being paid to be doing it so well and it's burning into my study time :(

also, i checked my hours and i've worked *just* enough to struggle next month as well. excellent :/

i stopped at home to burn a couple of movies, and went to pg's to watch as much of the seven year itch before the disc failed us. my headache flared up briefly, and as soon as it settled it was time for bed.


friday morning, sunshine, still drowsy, did you hear me leading to ice cream truck poetry. i breakfasted on vampires, churning that out hurriedly before heading off to florentin. i was dead tired on the bus.

am i being passive again? am i sleeping too much?

beer didn't help me wake up, but i enjoyed the *idea* of beer in the morning. the meeting was highly entertaining and the pieces read were all interesting, even if some of their language left a bit to be desired... wordsworth gave me a ride back through the friday traffic, and i hopped off to meet dp at cafesito and enjoy a cup of coffee on the avenue before bringing her to see my apartment.

by the time she left it was already 4pm; i took a fresh look at robert frost and then popped over to pg's to laze around with skin pens (lord knows where those came from, but the piggy she turned my chest into was very cute) and then rest.

we met up with her family for dinner, then came to my place where she watched the last starfighter and i got through a few pages of my seminar. this is a pill that i was given by a girl in our poetry group who posted next week's assignment in the middle of the night.


i went to bed about 5 o'clock this morning, and just woke up about half an hour ago to lie in bed memorizing adelaide crapsey's the warning, ezra pound's in a station of the metro and paul violi's at a bank near the metro*. i find the sequence amusing.

* google informs me that at a bank near the metro is unavailable online, so i'll fix that:
At a Bank Near the Metro
Let's have the money or else.
Just do what I say
and nobody will get hurt.


facebook intifada call: i hope they'll have taken it down by the time you attempt to open this link. it's been up and complained about for over a week, though...

perhaps facebook's concerned about the threat to pull all muslims off facebook if the page is taken down? perhap's the counter "israeli's against the intifada" page is considered equally* offensive?

if it's not an empty threat, then i can't see it as being a bad thing. but i've a feeling it is an empty threat - i have faith, at least in the muslims i know, that they'll stay online even if the page doesn't.

wait. what?! this is a muslim thing, and not a palestinian thing?! so we're facing off with the entirety of islam? seems a little unfair.

either way, if the above link still works, then please:
1. click on report page.
2. choose "contains hate speech or attacks an individual".
3. then choose "targets a religious group".
4. spread the word.

thank you.

* the difference being that one is violent action against a people, and the other is being against that action

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