
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a touch of strange

today was really frikkin' weird, and it was a tuesday.

i mentioned not feeling well yesterday - i felt good today, only my chest is all gurgly and i'm spending a lot of time coughing or sniffing. it feels ugly.

i arrived at the office without a hitch, only i wasn't authorized to let myself in so i sat in the corridor reading the iliad until the new guy came in - he didn't have a key, and so inherited mine with the full "you're not allowed to make copies" speech. a few minutes later nystire walked in, and escorted me to my desk. we performed the first stage of what are essentially "last rites" for my pc, then took a walk for breakfast.

well, he took a walk for breakfast, i didn't have much choice but to tag along :P

i spent the morning packing up my personal belongings and shredding soon-to-be-useless documents, briefly interrupted by a meeting with the unit commander. the discussion was unpleasant yet amiable, and he explained that it's going to take a day or two to figure out what to do with me. i'm praying to be released from service entirely and not merely from the unit.

i was called in by my SC and TL for a peer review, and although it wasn't glowing it wasn't bad either.

i'm amazed at the kinds of things i'd forgotten about that i had stored in my desk drawers. lunch was edible - fortunately i'd spent the morning stuffing myself with leftovers from the chocolates and sweets i brought on sunday so i wasn't that hungry :P

the afternoon was spent discussing my predicament (okay, so that filled a lot of the morning too), running knowledge transfers (sometimes not entirely productively), and generally having a good laugh at the strangeness of my situation.

[my mum interviewed for a new job today, and i'm praying that it went at least as well as she thinks it did]

the not-so-usual evening ride took me home, with half my stuff in hand and idiot girl complaining that if i leave she's going to be bored - i've been away for two weeks and she had nobody to fight with.

i got home and dove straight into doing absolutely nothing. that nothing included a bit of random internet time, catching up with the big bang theory, and beginning an episode of battlestar galactica. i finished watching it after the handyman rocked up and installed the perspex replacement for the bathroom door and delivered a perspex cover for my "display" cabinet - soon i'll be able to open my bobblehead judge death and invader zim home base ^_^

i've caught up on penny arcade - and i'm contemplating having a go with king's bounty, which looks spanky.
episode 4 is pretty cool.

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