
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i don't get it

feeling - disconnected - must - sleep - before - blading

changing razorblades
i keep leaving it too late.

gift giving
the gifts were well received - and everybody loved my bumper stickers ^_^

awesome! i spoke to the secretariat today, and all i have to do is send an email requesting that my file be put aside until next year :)

i'm really, really confused. i hope my mum and my cousin manage to sort out my tickets... apparently having a spare return ticket causes more complex problems than i'd thought possible :(

on the other hand, i've spoken to the kid, and it looks like we're going to do the ucpa thing in february like we did the first time :D

awkward hellos
i'm not alone in my confusion. when someone says "hi!", i say "hi" back. and when someone says "how are you?" my usual response is "fine thanks, and you?". for some reason that question is never answered in this country.

not only is it ignored once reflected back, but if i ask first - as in, "hi, how are you?" - the usual response is "how are you?". this leads to two awkward scenarios. in the first, i have to ask again and we end up in a loop. israelis don't seem to notice and just keep on going. in the second, the conversation continues and i'm weirded out because there was exactly half of a greeting.

yesterday, as i entered the loop with someone, i stopped and asked why he was doing that.
"i don't know," he said, "it used to bug me too. but then i just got used to it."

i'm taking it back. you *WILL* answer me, dammit!

doctor's orders
i renewed my physiotherapy referral, and asked after my exemption. i've just been informed that my slipped disc doesn't provide me exemption from carrying a rifle, in direct contradiction to what i was told when i enquired a few months ago. at least i can help out with the shuttle, now.

no rpg
every week, a different reason why nobody can make the game. and this is the very small group of enthusiastic participants. in other unit news, we're supposed to have volleyball practice tomorrow and nobody really wants to do that, either.

my favourite: "i don't see what you think you can achieve with your practice session... who goes to the beach in the morning?!"

they tell me that i work with the cream of the crop.

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