
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, July 13, 2007

the stabbing behind my eyes


7.15 i arrived on base yesterday, already excited to be back doing something useful. during the first couple of hours i discovered that i'd been right the night before, and i've learned something that apparently nobody else knew - satisfying :)

one of the guys and i had a juggling contest - it gets weird when your arms begin falling asleep.

before lunch, we received a top-level command: even shittier work than we've been doing for the past three weeks. that was when the headache began.

lunch was good, but didn't agree with me, and i spent the rest of the day regretting it on top of the splitting headache i'd already developed. in the late afternoon i was treated to some frozen enlightenment, which i would have appreciated a lot more if i hadn't been feeling so aweful.

i slept most of the way home, and after a serious conversation with spot about club sandwiches* we were off to mike's place.

on the way i had a moonflake moment - we turned into a main street and my eyes immediately rested on the most god-aweful plumber's butt. when i pointed it out to spot (i had to), he gave a "mufasa" shiver and we kept repeating it until we were out of the danger zone.

mike's place was fun, although i wasn't 100% so the alcohol hit me pretty hard, and i didn't have an appetite at all either :S
it was a highly amusing evening with the team plus a couple more (nystire: none of us can believe that you drank that much, and we're still laughing about the information you imparted on the foxy girl).

we were discussing the privacy issues brought up by a recent slashdot post on privacy... i had barely touched my beer when i misquoted: "i'll show your yours if you'll show me mine" :/

after walking home late, bowing out of spot's friend's party (i was too tired), and having a cup of the kid's watermelon "smoothie", i spent a couple of hours playing fallout 2 and then crashed.

this morning i vacuumed the other side of my room, and everything feels clean. in a couple of hours we have another waterfight, so we're off to shop for equipment now.

*two scenarios:
a) bulky guy with a club sandwich tattoo'ed on an enormous bicep
b) obese slob with the same tattoo on his belly
c) the two passing each other in the street, with both on display

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