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Friday, June 22, 2007

sound control

i convinced the kid to join me, but we had to rush because the girl with my keys was being problematic.

i stressed for nothing, because she has a communication disability. on the way to the flame bar to get them from her we walked past a crazy street-party - awesome trance and the corner of rothschild and allenby was packed with stomping people! it was the messiah tank at work, so every couple of tracks they stopped to blow the shofar :P

oh, and i ran into one of the soldier girls from birthright; i promised to call her today because i forgot that i'm going up north :$

serendipity: as the kid and i were about to walk past two girls, one of them turned to me to ask directions - she turned out to be spot's sister on the phone with her brother who'd just told her to ask someone in the street. she was more shocked to see me than i her. she brought along a really sexy friend.

the wii party at the cocktail room SUCKED. not only did i not get a chance to play, but the dj replacing ta2 for the week was horrible. absolutely horrible.

the austrian girl was there, and she also brought a sexy friend. i split my time between the two sets of girls, but dancing with spot's sister's friend was way more fun (close and personal, so not really dancing as such). when we were dancing, and not being annoyed with the dj or staring with horrified fascination at some overly-drunk fool who was dancing in the most extremely effeminate way. nobody around the bar felt safe from him, 'cause oddly enough his behaviour didn't belie his sexual orientation, kind of like a transvestite who likes women.

and oh, how his friends cheered him on. those aren't friends, buddy.

oh, and the entire night spot's sister and her friend were taking photo's of me, and they're really, really aweful ones - my eyes are really sensitive to light, enough so that if i know that a flash is going off soon i can't not shut them :/

we left the bar and fell into another one - i'd heard about the open-air bar during the last week and we found it. nice place, we ran into the ex-secretary of our (meaning all us flatmates) first team, and had an extremely silly and fun hour or two.

and now it's almost 11am, and i've gotta hurry to clean up the zoo and get packing!

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