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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

late night revelrie

suddenly remembered a kid i was in primary school with, name of "revel papernik". evil parents, i tell you.

i slept the afternoon away, and slept bloody well. it was a mission and a half to get out of bed, shower, and freeze my way down the road. i met up with picker, ate supper and had good coffee, and then we went off to the meimad.

great bloody party. good vibe, and the music was EXCELLENT. the new line was really well done.

free entrance is always nice, too :P

picker spent his evening spotting and flirting with girls. it kind of got to me at some stage, because in the middle of a crazy song - when it was fully apparent that i was enjoying myself immensely - i'd get tapped on the shoulder and told stories of failures and asked for assistance.

i'm of the opinion that parties are meant to be enjoyed for a number of reasons, and if cute girls happen by they're nice to look at, and if something happens then so much the better. but the last thing i actively look for is meaningless drivel and sheer waste of energy. my line from last year: "i will not expend energy on sex, unless already in the act" keeps coming back to me.

on my way out, i was informed that i should make my way to the balcony for monday night's party - now to find someone at work to switch shifts with me. i just got home, in a few hours i'm off to herzeliya, empty-handed as usual. damn soldiering.

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