
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, February 17, 2006

504fm stereo

'cause i started typing this at 5.04am. i just got home. because it's friday morning. and mainly because when i got to work, i had to send out the following email to all the people in our division:

Subject: to whom it may concern

i heard tell of an interesting rumour going around, so i'd just like to clarify things a little before it gets out of hand. plus, i don't appreciate snickering behind my back. i *do* appreciate snickering to my face: in case it hasn't been noticed, my sense of humour does function properly (ok, maybe it's over-developed).

1) i am not deaf in one ear. i get stereo. maybe it's a slightly softer stereo than most, but my hearing is fairly even.

2) if i WAS deaf in one ear, i'd like to think that i'd be smart enough to put the headset on THE GOOD EAR. i find the idea of getting that backwards slightly silly.

3) unless that was a comment on my brain working properly, or in stereo. in which case, fine, pick on the brain directly - leave the ears alone. and share the joke with me, i had to wait until now to get a laugh out of it... hence this email. i do believe it's amusing enough for everyone.

4) i happen to be deaf in the nose. that's not funny.

thank you, to all a good night. i will be appearing weekly! book now!

i hope my point is made. whatever the point happens to be.

the night was alright. i don't need to do anything for calvin & hobbes, it's just fine as is.

and flying cars like this would be nice.

aside from catching up on webcomics, eating a fantastic thai meal (i ate way too much), and watching a bit of munich (looks good from what i saw), the evening was quite relaxed.

now to bed! then to the kibbutz!

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