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Friday, June 24, 2005

serenity now!

i managed, somehow, to wake up at 10am. i worked really hard on the website for the mongoose, and progressed rather a lot... a little more grindwork, and it'll be done. hopefully i'll figure out xml's innerHTML problem, and a really stupid (obviously unforeseen) graphical alignment issue.

went to azrieli... the bus driver was being an asshole... the mall was totally crowded... i was aggravated anyway (lack of sleep + all those cigarettes)... the mongoose called to irritate me with demands...

i had a quick breakfast / lunch, and made my way to the kibbutz. i got here around 3 / 4pm, changed and went to the pool.

there was something almost spiritual about being immersed in the cool, clear water after being all sweaty in uniform. i thoroughly enjoyed myself. only problem is that i'd forgotten how little i'd slept, and i'm not very strong anymore, so i could only survive a couple of laps :(

got back, crashed on the couch, showered and went to supper. the food was goooooood. very tasty. my mom's cousin and i just got back from dropping off her father, and i have serious plans to do nothing of value tonight.

read rather a lot of ender's shadow - it annoys me when a mistake like "he oriented himself" isn't caught. what, did he slant his eyes, change his skin colour, and develop strange mannerisms? i don't think so.
as an addition to my previous post's comment, i think these books are good in spite of him. in this one, following bean's journey is like playing a great adventure game with a complete walkthrough on your lap. everything is too convenient, and it gets to me that his intelligence comes across as inconsistent.

i've been thinking a lot about the officers' course. i have an issue with getting rank based of length of service, and being an officer is - no shit - a good thing. but there are two problems:
1) the language barrier. i need to improve my hebrew if i want to have a chance.
2) i'd have to sign on at least another 9 months. that kind of puts my plans on hold, and i'm not certain that that's warranted. as it is, there's time pressure on everything i want to do.

dammit, i think i just solved my problem. so i won't go.

cigarette count for today: i'm guessing 4.

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