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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

hooo-whee. that was a nutty one.

i finally called it a day yesterday at 11pm.

i woke up at 6.30am, rushed out and made it *just* in time for the bus. until 2pm, i was still in a dream-state - it was really hard for me to get out of bed.

the day rolled by, lots of work, crap food for lunch. i can't believe i got any of it down my throat. at 4pm we started playing volleyball, and that was great. we finally finished around 7.30pm, totally beat after having a really good time.

went to the dog's, had supper, rushed to my place, put on blades, then rushed to meet up with the group.

firstly, i was wearing orange pants, and i brought my sign that says "i just like orange" (the colour has become synonymous with those refusing to leave the settlements). that was received exceptionally well.

secondly, the dog needs to learn how to blade properly. eventually, he couldn't carry on, so we managed to get back to a road, flagged down a taxi, and got to my place. having first had a couple of drinks :P

he's sitting behind me blowing up the air-mattress. we're both disgustingly dirty, in desperate need of showering (still no hot water), and we've got to be up real early in the morning.

it has been a LONG day, with some good things, and it has almost come to an end.

i've decided to go to the wedding tomorrow empty-handed. sucks, but i have no idea what to take.

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