a story about a man making his dreams come true... but with all the interesting bits left out.
I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
a very long week
super sleeper
support-hose horror
introducing gd to ungrip
wired magazine doesn't officially have a PC offering, but if you receive a link to an article from their tablet offering and you have an account you can log in and read the whole issue. the experience is great, just like on the tablet. i think it's plain wrong of them not to treat it as a legitimate viewing source and just give us a login page.
a long mission to get the wrong hose.
the forgotten microphone gaining me the time to rest that i needed to complete our recording
a great session but running very late, gd's harmonious input right on the second try
gd's ex crossing a line
bitten, star trek tng
LAST sunday:
dreaming: crossing the small sea on the back of a missile, meeting up with tourists in israel and trying to get them into the techno scene
learning about the squatty potty, ordering one first thing
minecraft on the ps3, fun, but rapidly developing motion sickness
a long lunch at midi 6
too much sun!
relaxing with dishes
learning about compost montreal, signing up. just signed up again because they still haven't contacted me :/
suffering cat pee smells
more bitten, and it's rather good
passing out to agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.
dreaming of trains being upgraded while running to prevent smuggling, needing to perform acrobatics to switch lines and getting stopped on suspicion when all i had were boots stuffed with dirty socks
feeling good getting out of bed, some french lessons and learning how to exchange our wedding rings
rushing out late after showering and mysteriously cutting myself
a shitty, wet day getting a small amount of work done, being crapped on for giving estimates that were accurate until my managers threw spanners into the works, losing half the day to bureaucracy and leaving late and with a headache to waltz around walmart for far too long to get two simple things
the new HR policy at work: enforcing an hour's break each day. brilliant. :/
headaches and head massages, mom's shitty news before bed
up early to return goods before work
good news from my mom that stems from the bad
the *fun* pharmacy experience with an ignorant french-only cow and a manager who could somehow understand me better than gd when we were saying the same thing
a long day in the office with a good break for a forty-five minute run, most of the day spent struggling but actually making progress, getting my junior on track to empowerment and setting things up to get assistance in the morning... but now i have to make an effort to match my two core devs who come in early every day
stumbling out at eight into a pleasant evening but darkened by gd's distress over a neighbour's child's screaming.
our wedding* date is set!
* well, official marriage, at least. we will be celebrating by going to the montreal comic-con immediately afterwards, if that counts :P
hot weather, great dinner, relaxing evening cleaning up, watching louis ck being amazing in hilarious
and somehow getting less than four hours' sleep before getting up early for an incredibly important day
belaying upside down gear enthusiasm: the bed prism glasses are not designed for belaying, but if you wear them upside down they're comfortable enough. everyone who walked past my desk felt compelled to try them on, play around with them, and then promptly order their own. some for climbing, some for playing with their handhelds or reading. some even for watching tv.
during the afternoon learning of my second mom's passing and holding back the enormous wave of grief in order to get the job done
leaving work after 11.5 hours with a "pretty much complete" status
no appetite, gd just letting me ramble
up kind-of early to pick up our squatty potty, a laptop charger and a furinno adjustable vented laptop table (so gd can do stuff with her feet up), talking to my mom on the way
metro mourning poetry:
starting the day with stunning praise from both my managers
the intention to work on documents and not code, but coding until late
recycling support from my team
a long day for small fixes, uncovering my strong backend's weaknesses and understanding that i have a lot to teach these guys
accepting my now-ex manager's assistance on documentation and learning just how limited he is
how does a team that works with large amounts of money not KNOW if their numbers are all adding up???
a rough bellyache, leaving late
only one day with the squatty potty and we're both feeling the win
too late for dinner, a short talk with godmother, an early night
waking up in the middle of the night thinking of that one tiny detail that i missed and glad that i thought of it before delivering to QA
waking up early to beautiful weather and feeling refreshed, quick french and missioning to dollarama before work
there's something particularly destabilizing about crying on the metro
rushing out at noon leaving some unfinished business
a good chat with my mom (who had a super-weird day)
calling the police on our neighbours (sounds like child abuse)
spilling orange juice in the fridge
hospital run
louis c.k.'s hilarious made me laugh till it hurt
passing out hard, a quick mission for ventolin and fudgee-os, house
waking up early to sing to my mom, discussing pregnancy photo shoot concepts
local printers closed, anticipated "green bars" date-based and with berries (so no), quick printing and realizing that i need a separate email account for public access, liquid nutrition's "nutty" meal-in-a-cup is delicious
infuriated by the t-shirt "PETA - people for the eating of tasty animals: there's room for all god's creatures right next to my mashed potatoes". a shirt that might as well say "proud asshole". i'm angered by willful ignorance. i'm considering making a response shirt that says "slavery is awesome: this message brought to you by the meat and dairy industries".
explaining the planck length to gd: "if big cars are compensation for small genitalia, it follows that the desire to rule the universe would stem from a planck-length penis."
shopping, returning the crappy universal charger and investing in a ninja professional blender. an afternoon and evening resting.
speaking of which, marijuana branding. it's high time we get off this "keep off the grass" bullshit.
this is a great video about body image. having said that, it's important not to go to the opposite extreme. for the first time in history we have access to good data about nutrition and everybody's still stuck on fad diets or whatever marketing ploys the various industry players can get away with. the fact that we're in a period of great abundance and incredibly efficient farming techniques and we still prefer feeding ourselves in ways that make us sick is shameful. it fascinates me that people are so much more interested in what they look like or how much pleasure they derive than in how they care for their insides.
energy news:
records are being broken in solar flight; hopefully that'll become a thing soon.
this video from phinergy is two years old, but aside from this i've never heard of them. i hope they're making progress!
micro homes? or advanced camping?
Friday, May 29, 2015
my second mom
the past two days i have been vacillating between joy and sadness as i remember one of my primary influences.
dear lenie: thank you.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
dear WIRED
I haven't received my issue in a couple of months, which is fine because I use my subscription to log in to the digital edition on my iPad. I would be very grateful if you could stop delivering physical copies and instead just let me continue to use my digital pass that I pay for anyway. I would also be very grateful if you could make this an option available to all subscribers, WIRED is the one magazine that I would *expect* to have a high enough respect for our environment to consider this option.
On a related note, I find it extremely tiring that I have access via iPad but not iPhone, and I have access via my partner's Android device... but I don't have access from my PC unless I've downloaded an issue on a mobile device, sent myself an article via email and then logged in using the link on my PC. I've paid for the subscription, your PC offering is just as good as your mobile offering, and it's just plain silly that I can't find an easy way to just log in from my PC from the get-go and get the digital magazine experience.
Thank you for your consideration.
some good news!
there's drought everywhere. here're some things we can do about it. how interesting that the second item on the list is healthier for us.
holy optical upgrades, batman! bionic lenses may be available soon.
elon musk, again. if i had his kind of capital, i'd open up a school for my kids too. did i not post musk's battery keynote?
boredom is good. we need to stop scrolling our feeds, apparently.
why robots can and should take our jobs.
now for the not-so-good stuff:
the new california oil spill is a thing because we're still authorizing off-shore drilling. because we're still begging for drilling at all. because we all have to have private cars, because we can't switch to electricity (and switch to cleaner fuels), because we can't switch to public transport, because we can't switch to thinking about ourselves as a part of our environment.
gd and i have been learning about varicose veins during pregnancy. it is unbelievable how quickly they develop and how suddenly the most trivial things become impossible.
falling over
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
close calls
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
a generation of entitlement
protonmail is awesome
a fascinating article on john keats
things that happen to couples
snapchat's ceo's answer to business planning
not working to get paid? not exactly, in my opinion. in this case, the author's being paid so that he can focus on producing art. that's work, it's just not an industrial kind of work.
it seems like the shaman's view of psychological disorders is in line with the academic. it would be nice if our institutions could share a similar understanding...
for activists: how to win hearts and minds.
lost luggage? this guy might be able to help.
anger has upsides?
john oliver on standardized testing.
according to MIT, solar is good enough.
long weekend
Saturday, May 16, 2015
nutritional song and dance
if more people ate healthily it would relieve an enormous burden on our healthcare systems. it wouldn't suddenly stop poverty but it certainly wouldn't hurt. if lots of people really got serious about eating healthily (and i'm talking about educating themselves about nutrition properly, not getting into fads), we might even do some damage control on climate change...
about five years ago i weighed less than i do now and ended up relying on medical services unnecessarily due to malnutrition that was caused by a simple lack of knowledge - and not just on my part. all of the top diseases that plague north americans in particular are treatable by diet.
as for the relationship to poverty: it is absolutely abominable that some of the cheapest food sources we have are what they are. the sad fact is that the laws of economics dictate that as long as the shitty foods are the most popular, they will be produced en masse and therefore be the cheapest. while nutritional education won't help the poor immediately, if enough people above the poverty line begin eating healthIER then good veggies can move from luxuries to commodities and be accessible. it feels utterly ridiculous to have to think in those terms, but that's what the industrial age has done to us...
... having said that, i just got lectured on food costs by someone who spent a good decade struggling with poverty, and she informed me that eating vegetables and grains is actually cheaper, short-term and long-term, *IF* you avoid the expensive and vastly overrated specially packaged organic non-GMO shit.
not only that, but urban farming is a thing and a little bit of effort goes a long way.
just an aside to whoever mentioned canned beans and corn - those are much healthier than a lot of expensive foods. and certainly healthier than cheeseburgers.
the more educated we are - not you and me individually, but as a society - the more balanced things will be. and when that transformation does become significant, poor people will have access too. so maybe jamie oliver is an asshole, and maybe his little video is stupid, but if it can bring attention to the topic in the mainstream then that's definitely a good thing. now we just need to get the right data into our schools and our governments; the latter have bad habits of supporting and subsidizing things that are not good for us and the former produce the latter...
Friday, May 15, 2015
winning uphill battles
Sunday, May 10, 2015
kitchen studio
we went off to see the new cool at abyss, which has some gorgeous pieces, then headed to p.m. for a delicious dinner and fun politics before calling it a night.
Saturday, May 09, 2015
an exciting close to a good week
big links
outgrowing pornography: intriguing stuff: i love that there's also reference to the kind of softporn we're flooded with through regular advertising.
3D-printed ultrasound? WIN.
gd sent me this link to an article with a bunch of highly entertaining and useful portmanteaus.
nick cave in dr. seuss form!
what was that? taxing the rich fairly doesn't result in the wholesale destruction of civilization? i'm shocked.
philosoraptor ftw. i don't care if it's an old one.
omg the tesla battery: elon musk has produced something amazingly awesome as usual! why people should care.
from snopes:
nope, it's not a suicide bear.
nope, poop-beard is not a thing.
Thursday, May 07, 2015
going uphill
Monday, May 04, 2015
slamming weekend
Sunday, May 03, 2015
did somebody say "linkage"?
and on female figures
parents need to understand gaming
animals are people too!
now trying to sleep more
the "stay weird" oscar speech
intriguing body scanner images
thousands of old games online!
"evidence action"? i like it. different problems require different solutions.
an interesting article on the meaning of "free speech"
Saturday, May 02, 2015
double standards
nobody gives a shit about the mothers... unless there are jews involved.
if you think these are just a few voices on the internet, i'm sorry to tell you that you are very, very wrong. it continually horrifies me to learn how much anti-semitism there is even here, in canada, where people are famous for being non-judgmental pluralists.
breaking on through
slotting a well-timed joke into our stand-up meeting ("spring is here! i got so excited i wet my plants...")
getting shit done at a great pace, good cthulu fluxx lunch break, cleaning up the git messes
a strangely spring 19 degrees!
birth certificate excitement
fantastic dinner
gd reading french harry potter to me after dinner, going to bed early
tough getting up, a busy morning (in particular, sending a promised email update to a potential employer to tell him that i'm happy where i am - i found that tough to write), stepping out into spring feeling ready for boxing and awkwardly anticipating the shit-hitting-the-fan meeting i had just received an invitation to...
... the fan was hit surprisingly gently, it was a day of small victories, lots of positivity. my ex-manager-now-coworker asking me for help before i left...
boxing: badger in charge, hard work, shaking hands while giving the beginners some tips on the way out; feeling tired but *smoothly* so, relaxed and good.
trying to sleep in and being woken by our cleaning lady, helpful marriage and tax advice
a gorgeous day, but mostly spent on emergencies and a broken vm... a surprisingly well-received presentation on comments, an exhausting discussion on bureaucracy after a huge, delicious pushap lunch, learning that my no-longer-manager is leaving the team soon, onboarding hac and another guy from my previous team, small successes and planning midday boxing drills with a coworker i ran into in the gym on wednesday.
kickboxing hard and good, but with a post-pushap bloated belly. ropes are *tough*, man...
great class finish, boxing coach advice and good talks with my first yoga instructor and mti
great dinner, and winding down
irritable morning, vfmp's boyfriend finding my tax code, paypal fails and realizing i'd left my gloves at the gym (luckily they were picked up by the guy on night shift, the day manager was stoked that i'd had the decency to be worried that i'd left them dirty gym gear too)
getting ready for open mic on sunday
pressured morning of doing... not much? getting all lead-y?
running and pad work with a coworker and again feeling flush with exercise, a hot shower in the middle of a gorgeous day and bringing good vibes back with me into the office
meetings and bureaucracy and knowledge transfers and OMFG THE WHOLE POINT OF HAVING A DOOMSDAY DEVICE IS LETTING EVERYONE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE IT. my now ex-manager is a total asshole, and that's becoming clearer every hour.
leaving late-ish but feeling super-positive, forgetting lunch in the fridge again, random tristar guy recognizing me in the street, P.M. stop on the way home to taxes