
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


has it been a week? it feels like a lifetime.

last saturday:

a disappointing morning, a good lunch and nap and a groggy wakeup

snowstorm!! awesome stuff, coming down apocalyptic

rls on the bus home

a quiet night in the nothing box


when it comes to jokes, timing is everything... so it's unfortunate that this suddenly popped into my head a few months too late:

to all computer geeks, i *do* listen. people kept telling me to go fork myself, so now my girlfriend's pregnant.

last sunday:

a proper start to a sunday, gd's-going-to-be-a-mother's day

"there's no smothering without mother"

tax anxiety, cleaning stress but surprisingly quickly reclaiming a room, landlord disappointment, heavy shopping and a long, fun evening with horseman


revenu quebec and reading lists and krs-one on mainstream hip-hop

slow morning, fluxx flurry, introduction to a new project and google's ingress

system shutdown due to extreme exhaustion 
python studies, shadowrun planning

leaving late, learning that gd's passport WASN'T being processed and they never bothered to inform her when she'd called last week when we would have had time to re-apply without paying the express fee. later, after much suppressed frustration, learning that they *had* bothered to leave voicemail that hadn't been cleared.

a remarkably crap night.


a remarkably crap morning.

calling in sick. resting. passport canada *almost* pleasurable. resting more.


dreaming of weather-controlled arcologies, a pleasant morning and a good start to the workday. my old boss walking a full circuit of the office wearing the custom panties we bought him

an enjoyable and confidence-building end to the day (impressing the guy who built a wickedly smart system by fixing one of its features)

buying the wrong mounting stuff and not being able to put up the mirror, being inspired to work on a new poem, shopping and chilling and going to bed early


a great, early start to the day, the cleaning lady coming in at 8 and us all having a good talk until it was time to leave the women to their thing and get to work

i don't really get how ingress works.

forgotten keycard shame, strategy and bull meetings pride, green team meeting satisfaction

post-lunch investigations, then a long, relaxed afternoon not really making much progress but learning a little along the way

chatting with the guy i'm replacing, discovering that my teammate whose seat i've moved to is an illustrator and arranging a lunch meeting

home, pharmacy, relaxing


bad dreams gone wild: camping and being chased by a tenacious bee only able to defend myself with an unwieldy bag and running for ages, sexually assaulted in bogota and then ripped off by an angry sales clerk

gd's rush-to-work whirlwind, post-tidy loss of all my gear

a slow day with a boring auditing task, cancelled illustrator meeting

cold fingers from ingress training

transferring from 000webhost (who are utterly abhorrent) and spending my evening improving my phone control system, minus a short sugar mission


early up, stabilizing my phone control software

have i been in that starbucks enough that they remember my name? [oh, she simply overheard gd's friend greeting me]

a painful laser treatment, quick shopping + breakfast and chatting with my mum

an afternoon on phone control, with a good nap (with joe rogan live in the background - brilliant) and a visit from horseman and a chat with SxS during which i discovered a huge screw-up with our return flight... our stop in new york? two different airports. %#&$.


dreaming about being bullied and fighting back. dreaming other weird dreams and struggling to get up and talk about them without being sucked back deeper into the rabbit hole.

starting the day with biblical stories.

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