
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

high powered

i made it to muay thai yesterday, with scrapper in tow. while he sorted out gloves, wraps and a month pass i headed into a class that would turn out very special... i was partnered up with one of the monsters. aside from a damaged left shin from a badly executed check, and almost learning an unpleasant lesson (my response was to put in my mouth guard, things went much better after that), the training session was alright. not amazing, but definitely not bad.

but the impact training... oh, the impact training! that was awesome. he was actually harder to hit than our punching bags, and when the tables turned his "gentle" almost wiped me out.

i spent the next hour and a half relaxing with scrapper and the punching bags, teaching him boxing basics. by the time class started he was ready to go, and our instructor was well impressed with his performance :)
the class was really good, the overall satisfaction level when we left all hurting and exhausted was fantastic ^_^


i woke up exhausted, feeling really weak. i felt like that all day and it was only during training that i'd learn that when you use creatine you need to drink LOTS of water. i was really dehydrated!

scrapper needed a computer and i suddenly remembered an abandoned netbook stuffed into a drawer - still good enough :)

work: a very long day of meetings upon meetings. it was pretty draining.
notes for the day:
1. pg sent me a photo of a predator statue to say it reminded her of me. i don't know how flattering that is :P
2. my LEAP controller arrived! i'm actually too excited to open it without having a few hours to really play...
3. the iphone 4 came back from the repair shop, and my 3gs backup restored beautifully! i'm very pleased, the only annoyance is that the casing doesn't lock properly. last night i put together a gir phone cover using vistaprint. i was really glad to learn that i can reproduce any previous orders, they've stored my syndicate shirt design so if anyone wants to buy one i can just click a few buttons and ship it :)

i arrived at the gym intending to do jiu-jitsu and then kickboxing, but only one guy had showed up for kickboxing so the instructor invited me to join for a sparring session. i didn't have my headgear and i couldn't contact scrapper so we didn't end up sparring but we essentially shared a private lesson which was pretty hardcore. it was much easier when i discovered that i needed to drink more water, i spent some time at the spout and my performance improved dramatically quickly.

finished for the day, i hung around for a while talking to some guys and then went home. as i crossed the parking lot gg was getting out of her car, and i haven't seen her since i was all awkward and that was a while ago. she was all smiles when she saw me, we exchanged a few sentences and i walked home feeling good about myself.

i'd learn later that scrapper was at home when i arrived, but in the shower so he didn't hear me throwing stones at my kitchen window because the building entrance was locked (it usually isn't) and i still don't have a functional buzzer. after a few minutes of that i got frustrated, believing him to be fast asleep or something, and i jogged back to rejoin to beginner's class.

round two was awesome, i'm really glad i went back! in addition to training with gg again i was partnered with a really tough dude who made me work hard. i finished the day on a great note and then scrapper and i headed downtown for great chinese and a couple of beers at a nice little pub on peel.

we eventually got home around 2 / 3am. the iphone 4 may be vastly better in a lot of respects, but it's public transport routing system totally sucks.


in my earlier drunken state i'd failed to set my alarm correctly, but miraculously woke up by myself with just enough time to get organized and get to work on time.

ceh: i don't care if he has personal issues he's dealing with, the look he gave me when i tried to discuss a task i needed to hand him made me want to fire him on the spot. if we weren't desperate for backend developers... later he joined a few of us for lunch and regaled us with grossly inappropriate tales involving drugs and disturbing psychological details that made a couple of the guys visibly uncomfortable.

otherwise, it was a decent day at work. the it guy was kind enough to hand me a waterproof iphone cover (which i needed just over a week ago :P ) and another cover that converts the phone into a radio receiver. nice!

then i left early for muay thai, and had that magnificent evening, and scrapper made dinner and i crashed. i'm really pleased that he's now had a taste of tristar. and i'm really pleased with how good i feel.

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