
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

a day at the movies

today was a gorgeous day for being outside, but there were movies that (apparently) needed to be seen. i saw two today, and hopefully i'll see the third tomorrow.

previews and posters:
world war z looks like fun, although it looks like it'll center around a single character which would miss the point entirely. kinda like the screen translation of the men who stare at goats.
elysium looks really, really cool.
absolutely nothing today excited me as much as seeing a poster for ender's game. seriously?? are we there yet?!

star trek:
a little over the top at some points, but otherwise a glorious, wild ride. great story, excellent experience!

iron man three:
after all the excitement and rave reviews, i'm mortified to report that iron man three was less than epic. i consider my reasons to be potential spoilers, but the bottom line is that as good as it looked, it left me quite disappointed :(
*SPOILERS* the best thing it had going for it is that is was a great comedy. robert downey junior *is* made of win, but it's like the 1995 judge dredd where the actor is given greater value than the character he's playing. just like the original dredd, he didn't wear his helmet enough. why fight with an untested suit when you have good ones at home? my biggest issue with the movie is that the enemies were so overpowered that the hero had to force multiply to match. so iron man wasn't actually enough of a hero to save the day! as i said, it made for great comedy, but it was a terrible superhero movie. although it's definitely not as unwatchable as the spiderman series before the recent reboot.

before each movie i had half an hour to sit and sketch over a cup of coffee, and i made some progress with my comics that i'm pleased with. i even spent ten minutes sitting on a park bench soaking up sunshine after lunch :)

it was a stunning day, and i took the long way to godmother's. dinner was pleasant when yin wasn't being verbally abused by her father and brother - the viciousness they throw at her is simply shocking. my offer to her to use my couch if she feels the need to escape was entirely serious.

after dinner i had a couple of drinks with "the boys". there's nothing more pitiful (to my mind) than the intellectually impotent telling me how the arts are all a waste of time. my uncle is fascinatingly small-minded and has no clue that there's a world outside of the misery he knows; yang, in spite of his claims to the contrary, is well on his way to following in his footsteps.


once home, i took it upon myself to deal with the most important items on my lengthy to-do list: t-shirts. i bought a rocket surgeon, then spent ages tweaking a custom syndicate shirt i've been planning for years and never got around to. i *really* hope the graphics come out the way i want them to, it was difficult to scale such tiny images...

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