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Saturday, June 30, 2012

crossing lines

okay - okay... i don't like gary yourofsky's veganism lecture, but his bottom line is rock solid. between this and , you can colour me convinced. although i especially DON'T like using the word "veganism" to cover everything not related to diet. that's just stupid.

whatever you do - don't forget to take your supplements. with meat or without: supplementarian

if anyone is interested in continuing to consume meat while reducing the mistreatment of animals, let me know - i have an idea that just might work.


i still think that there's place for consuming human beings. that i'll stand by.


[edit, in response to a private message]
so are you eating animal products or not ?
i already understand that you don't see a problem with human beings eating it, but what i'm baffled about is your views about the industry and how brainwashed we are to eat animal products...

i've reduced my consumption to a minimum for health reasons (see nutritionfacts), and i've begun to take vitamin supplements because both vegans and meat consumers need those. unfortunately. unless we consume our own crap (a great B12 source), an idea i'm not particularly fond of.

i hate the fact that people use the term "vegan" to describe a lifestyle, because it's a dietary term and someone who's vegan doesn't necessary give a shit about animals, the environment, or anything really.

the bottom line, which is where i agree with gary, is that we're not designed for consuming meat, dairy, fish, poultry, etc. and it's really not good for us, AND these industries are cruel and unnecessary. i wouldn't go comparing them to the holocaust (although slavery is a valid comparison), and i'd like to think that there are some humane farmers out there (like what i've seen first-hand, both in south africa and on kibbutzim here), but he's basically correct.

i'm still going to eat meat occassionally (when in the presence of meat-eaters, it's a shame to let it go to waste), but i haven't purchased meat or dairy or eggs for months already. my girlfriend's not ready to give up cheese (and she's seen this video a while ago), but for the most part she's let me drag her along in the direction of veganism and any improvement's better than nothing. i'm certainly not going to run around preaching.

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