
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, September 23, 2011

the weirdness of a clear schedule

whoa! i slept in, had a chilled morning, waiting for on-my-honour to swing by with my ticket for the big doof party coming up. it was two hours later than the time we'd agreed upon when i suddenly remembered our last experience - she's the girl with the watch problem - what reminded me was an sms informing me that the queues in the hospital were a lot longer than she'd expected.


i left for work, and by the time i arrived she and pg had met and traded. the work day was very short and i completed all my tasks, leaving early so that i could take pg to see the doctor. the only trouble with that plan was the reliance on public transport from herzeliya to tel aviv; i arrived at london ministore just as pg was walking out of it after having been seen. i was feeling drained, so we stopped somewhere that i could drink a beer and down a good meal (exquisite chicken salad), after which i handed her my bag and grabbed a bus to the university.

science night. too many interesting lectures, not enough time. i shouldn't have gone to the space il presentation because i didn't really have much to learn; i should have gone to the lecture on spinal development and back pain instead. after that i sat in on a fascinating lecture called "education reform and social justice", which, as edifying as it may have been, had unfortunately little to do with the given topic. from there i went to an "international" lecture (given in slightly-broken english) on the ramifications (if any) of the recent arab uprisings, and lastly i hit the arts school to hear about photography's importance as an artistic form.

and to think i'd almost skipped all of these to run home to pg, who was struggling with her eye-drops. i was just on my way off campus when she called to tell me she'd finally gotten it right :P

the last lecture really inspired me - i'm going to try and convince urchin to work with me on a photographic series that i think could make a difference :)

wr worked the coffee stand, so he was quite busy the entire evening (although he did pass me a couple of cups), but we left campus at the same time so i got a ride into tel aviv. i've now performed some of my webmaster duties, pretty much wrapped up the day and i'm ready for a shower and some reading before bed.

i'm not certain i'll be joining the organizers' meeting at 8am in south tel aviv...

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