
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

stubborn as a...

to all the winds, gods and other such entities, i have never seen anyone as stubborn as my niece. i walked into her room in the hospital as the doctors got there, and listened to them trying desperately to explain to her what was going on... eventually giving up and walking away.

she'd been trying to negotiate her way out of being sick, trying to rationalize them letting her go (and doing so in a rather unpleasant fashion), and doing an extremely good job of not listening. once they'd left, she tried to make sure that i understood just how obviously unqualified these doctors are.

now she's angry with me because i don't think that her discharging herself against medical advice is a particularly good idea.

anyway, i had breakfast with the mongoose and it was really good to see him, we had a lot to talk about and he even came up to pay my niece a visit.

around 4pm i left to play frisbee with karnaf in the park, stopping for an excellent sandwich and filter coffee on the way. after a solid couple of hours, covered in sweat and grass and with a slightly deeper tan (and sore fingers), i bought ginger ale, mountain dew, root beer and guarana and met up with the kid for a most decent bacon and cheese sandwich (i'm going back to a religious platoon tomorrow, i need reminders of my heathen-ness), showered, and went to mmf's to get my wedding invitation and play wii.

i suck at tennis.

speaking of weddings - of the two weddings that i wanted to go to they only authorized mmf's. i told the kid's brother that i wouldn't be making it to his and he commented that it's weird that i'm not being allowed to go... bummer. what's bothering me more than that is that the day after mmf's i'm going to have to return to base, which means i'm going to have to behave myself to a certain extent, and that makes me sad.

i've just got home and had a quick cold shower, briefly met the new flatmate (who does seem alright), and now i have to get ready for the next week. i'm getting tired just thinking about it.

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