
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, June 01, 2007

ex-hilaration ex-halation

my first coffee (the one i prepped leaving the apartment doesn't count) appeared around 10.30am, which for me is not a particularly good thing. aside from being supremely annoyed at nystire's brother for not having packed properly before the actual move (that did waste time), the fact that he was moving to the sixth floor (that oversized cabinet was a bitch), and the fact that we returned late to base so i missed an important meeting, it was a fun and invigorating way to begin the day.

between returning to base and going to the pitch my team-mate gave me some instruction, and it was during this that we discovered that the project i've been doing pretty much works - i cannot express how satisfying that is! my first achievement since moving over, and i'm really enjoying feeling like i know what's going on ^_^

so nystire and i walked into the pitch, a short (two-hour long), doomed-to-fail marketing ploy that was sadly (for all of us) extremely misplaced. the first half was mind-numbing, and i barely managed to keep my eyes open. the marketing girl was even more boring than the code-monkey, i'm sure that's not a good thing.
the code-monkey managed to make it semi-interesting, although it's all relative and by that stage we were all doodling and being silly.

for the next couple of hours i wrangled with the stuff i'd been taught earlier, and around 5pm (home time) i had a really good handle on it all. and had almost managed to be late for the re-scheduled meeting from the morning :$

that meeting went well, and it turns out that i've been given an opportunity to really prove myself :)
and it's not an entirely unenjoyable one! i think our new commander likes me.

i bussed home, and had all of the above going through my head when i walked through the front door, suddenly totally manic and excited (jumpy) as hell.
i convinced spot and his sister to come with to movie-ing, where second breakfast and taking out pirates of the caribbean - dead man's chest just put a solid cap on the events of the day.

we didn't realize that the movie was so long, and had to stop it in the middle to go to the cocktail room. that works for me, because i passed out for the monkey island escape scene. speaking of which, i think that anyone who's enjoyed playing monkey island would have to love pirates of the caribbean - same style if you ignore the hero's name not being as cool as "threepwood" ;)

the cocktail room was great fun last night - put down quite a few suitcases, and had a very silly time. i definitely drank too much though. and i definitely smoked too many cigarettes.

the last day of may was a GOOD one.

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