
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

the last stand of a reasonable person

all is back to normal. that potential air force transfer that's been making me all nervous? fidgety? jumpity up-and-downy? i finally got to speak to my commander this morning, and he's given me an OK. next phase!

turned out the kid's code crashed ALL the new systems yesterday. screwed our new team up an incredible amount. i wish i'd had a camera when he was informed this morning. it wasn't entirely his fault - the problem is that he obeyed explicit instructions that were wrong, when he should have known better. i'm confident that he's learned his lesson.

most of the day was spent tackling a couple of special problems that oracle's developer (form builder, kimera shit, whatever) has thrown at us.

a) one of our screens has mysteriously ceased to function correctly. nothing in the code / environment has changed, and everything is IDENTICAL to another screen that does work. we've had the experts in, we've poured over online forums: there's no solution. there's no logical way that this problem could exist! the only possible way i can see of fixing this: walking into oracle's development center with a flamethrower, and making sure that everyone responsible ends up medium-rare to well-done.

and then fixing the bugs in their code. or just destroying the building and rewriting all the software from scratch (there'd be no choice!)

b) there's a cute function in developer called "import java classes". we keep getting an error message that says that the JVM isn't available. we've tried it with every version of the jdk and jre ever released. we've tested with multiple installs. we've done this all on multiple environments. we KNOW that the JVM works JUST FINE.

i think all of oracle's upper-management should be flambéd just out of spite. and because larry ellison is demon-spawn, sent to destroy our civilization and send us back into the dark-ages.

i got to work on time, and have just rewritten my original primary app. now i need to go through the entire testing procedure again. fun. spot's here, it's odd working with him again, but extremely amusing as usual. say thank you, spot, you can't tell me that i didn't get you sorted out. i expect a pretty letter from your mother.

speaking of pretty letters, i got my pay-check today. for the full month: my boss felt bad about only giving me half-pay. but he did ask me to make the hours up as much as possible, so it's kind of back-handed. no matter, i was planning on doing extra anyway, and now that i've been payed in advance...

back to work.

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