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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, June 16, 2006

wiped out


i passed along spot's cv to my boss, and about an hour after i last posted he arrived for an interview. he'll be joining us on monday; hopefully he'll be able to sort out all the php crap the lead has thrown our way.

when i got home, i hung up shower-curtains using double-sided tape. that wasn't very effective: they kept falling off during the night.


i started the day with a cigarette on the balcony, entertaining and being entertained by the stray cats prancing along the wall. on walking back inside, i was followed by a fly. i hope he doesn't get too bored, there's nothing for him to do in there :P

i went back on my promise to myself, and took the squished bus again. i found a better spot this time, and it was actually kinda fun. then again, i did have insane trance to keep my higher functions occupied.

i arrived on base to resume a long conversation with a really cute girl, who's incredibly concerned about my selfish attitude towards "the right one" for me. i was trying to explain to her that if i do meet someone, and she can't deal with my plans, then she's not the girl i'm looking for. she seemed to take the whole thing rather personally, so i couldn't help wondering if she has any designs...

have i mentioned before that i hate working in oracle's developer software? i really do. on the brighter side of wednesday, we finally got java installed on our database, and it's turning out to be a lot more useful than we anticipated :)

i was completely wasted the entire day.

just before the team meeting, i went to use the coke machine: i finally got the trick right! i walked into the office with a huge grin, and the kid burst out laughing and took the free coke ;)
the meeting was a long one; i finally got thrown out when the commander noticed that my head was lolling and my eyes were misted over. there really is a limit to how much hebrew i can handle.

i sat outside with one of the mongoose's ex's, and someone else (i already don't remember), where she told us that her cat had tried to commit suicide. jumped straight from her lap out the window, on the 8th floor. she found him a bit later playing in the grass. that started a discussion on bringing home pets, and i was reminded (all too clearly) of my sister bringing home a dog when i was really young. all i remember is that i was sitting on the floor, and the dog (who was bigger than me) put up his paws and peed all over me. lovely.

i then went into another meeting, with a really not-smart captain who couldn't explain what it was she wanted from me. in the middle of a sentence, my phone rang - turned out to be my cousin reminding me that i didn't have travel insurance... whoops! i excused myself, and began making calls to sort that out. turned out not to be a problem, and it did give me a bit of a break. some of the guys in the mongoose's section were emptying gunpowder from bullets into tin caps, and lighting them. i managed to light a cigarette off one, but i very nearly lost my eyebrows in the process...

on the way to work, the bus drove past some mangy dude with a really odd hat, carrying a sign that said "MESSIAH". i got to wondering if maybe he really is the messiah. maybe it's the hat?

i got to work, and was so tired that i didn't even have the energy to get myself a chair. so i sat on the floor, and had a chat with the lead. yogi came in, and helped me up so we could organize coffee - and then looked at me shocked and pointed at the floor.

instant paranoia - there's me checking my pants to assess the damage. i figured i was wasted enough that it was possible that i'd pissed myself and not noticed... but my pants were dry. the puddle of water was coming out from under the floorboards, and it turned out that i was extremely lucky that i'd been sitting exactly on the only area that wasn't affected! we did some stamping, and managed to ascertain that most of that room's floor is screwed - that was all extremely weird.

i had a lot of work to do, but i got stopped in the middle when one of the guys i have to work with came to discuss details with me. i'm grateful that the boss joined us - this guy is such an idiot, it took the two of us an hour to explain something so excruciatingly simple... i'd never have managed that alone. i just don't have the patience for stupid people.

i got home, showered, got ready for bed, and then discovered that the fan had been removed from my apartment. so i got all irritated, not looking forward to getting dressed and going down to the basement to retrieve mine from storage... when i suddenly saw that i'd forgotten to take it to storage, and the box was in the kitchen! nice! so i put it together, and went to sleep.

thursday. still messed up. having slept 5.5 hours didn't help.

i had a warped morning. just before inspection i sold a razor blade to a desperate soldier. i was just going to give it to him, but he disappeared and i suddenly had 5 shekels in my hand. our office was opened (i still don't have a key), and i polished my shoes in a hurry and scrambled to inspection. which was most uninteresting. although i did get warned about my hair being too long.

my morning began crappy. exhausted and irritable, the last thing i needed was an amateur developer developer (intentional doubling) explaining to me basic concepts of coding practice. he was bloody offensive. then two of us were made to swap desks - i just wasn't in the mood, so i grumbled, and i pissed off the TL. that resulted in me apologizing profusely, and we then had a long talk. he was actually quite considerate.

first meeting: the bull didn't have to be too observant to notice that i was about to pass out, so he organized me some super-strong coffee. he managed to make me paranoid, making references to subjects we hadn't yet spoken about regarding my potential transfer to the air force that's been making me jumpy anyway. i'm positive that they'd already contacted him.

i finished one of my jobs in developer, and the kid showed me some neat things he's been doing with java in oracle. it's stylish.

THE meeting. i was nervous, and had no idea how to approach the subject. the SC's answer was positive, but the feeling i got while he was answering wasn't very pleasant. so i don't actually know what's happening. more waiting and seeing, which means more stressing for me.

i resumed talks with the not-so-bright captain, and finally managed to get something useful out of her. i was almost relieved, but more annoyed about it taking so long. so i took that information and went to support, and spent over an hour sorting things out. i had to work with a cute girl, and there were long periods of waiting during which we kept ourselves amused. she seems sharp enough, so i'm pondering making something of it ;)

i joined the kid (who's guarding this weekend) for a quick bite, then i took the bus home, showered, dressed for the wedding, bought a card, drew cash for the gift, and took a taxi to azrieli. sammy and his wife picked me up from there, and we drove through to the wedding.

fabulous. beautiful place, good food, and the music was fantastic. the ceremony was something else. the opera from the fifth element was played to open, and then a hard-rock version of the imperial march was played as the groom strode down the aisle.

DAMN that was cool.

in jewish tradition, the groom breaks a glass at the end of the wedding to symbolize the destruction of the temple - we're supposed to remember that even in our happiest of times. as the glass was crushed, the rage against the machine song from the matrix came on - fucking AWESOME!

there was more good food, dancing (lots of songs from the muppets), and we all talked too much. all in all, it was a fun evening. on the way home, the guy who gave me a ride played jack johnson, which is superb music.

i went straight to bed when i got home. i don't have much else to do, anyway :P

i woke up slowly this morning, took laundry to the laundromat, paid my electricity bill, and have just spent two hours at work. i was making myself coffee, and picked up the sugar. which some dumb fuck hadn't closed properly. i still hadn't had coffee, and was cleaning up mounds of sugar from the floor. SWAK.

now it's back home to chill.

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