
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

home. sorta.

i was totally stressed all the way home. my heart thumping loudly in my ears, i retrieved my emergency pack and got to my front door. then walked in to find (what appears to be) everything in the living room.


unfortunately, at night it's even more apparent that everyone from the road can see straight through. fortunately, the accessible room can be locked down from outside, so that sorted out the primary security issue. and today i bought shower curtains and double-sided tape, so at least people won't know i'm home. there's not much to see, anyway :P

i set up my bed, missioned across to the old apartment to pick up plastic bags and a bath mat, spent an hour unpacking all the stuff i need for the next week, had a great shower (w00t! GREAT shower!), and then passed out.

this morning i had a cigarette on the balcony. the wall is even the right height for stretching :)

things really got hectic when i arrived on base. i didn't stop working the entire day - we're dealing with new tech, and it's fun but trying. lunch sucked balls. i got my final permission to leave the country!

i've arranged for an interview with the bull on thursday - he gets to decide if i'm allowed to think about transferring to the air force which i've been getting all excited about. that's made me awfully nervous :S

i left the base around 16.30 with nystire, and we got off almost an hour later at the hardware store, where i got some much-needed gear. then we missioned back to my new apartment. if i decide that i want to stay, and if the landlord doesn't have a problem with it, then i'll need a flatmate. and considering that new immigrant south africans get higher priority, he's a good choice - so i showed him the place, then he left and i came to work.

it's already been a productive evening, but now i'm about to attack the real work :P

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