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Friday, April 14, 2006

i wanted 288,

but all i got was 390. shameful.

what we didn't see

i found tel-aviv's version of chinatown on my walk to the party. i walked through all the extremely dodgy areas, and was reminded of home. i have to check out the oriental stores at some stage.

the party was at a private residence that was larger and more stylish than most clubs. we drank, we watched the basketball game (we won by a hair), we drank, there was funky music, and then i decided it was time to go home. early, mind - about 11.30, but i just wanted to sleep.

and i got invited on a date with this girl who i originally met at the hosts' wedding. she's not really my type as far as looks go, but personality-wise she seems a good fit. i may also have found someone to go looking for an apartment with.

i passed the lizard on my way home. tonight was a techno party, but it was smoother techno than i'm used to, and for once i found it rather nice. i spent a lot of time gabbing, ran into one of SB's friends, and then crasher arrived and wasn't allowed in (private party). so we went missioning around tel-aviv.

we eventually found a really nice pub, and sat down for a couple of beers. and some talk of algorithms. i got hit on by a cute girl, but then things went from "going alright" to "not going at all"... it's definitely me :P

on the way back to the car, i stopped for a serious roast-beef sandwich (for all the jews reading this blog: no, i'm not keeping the whole passover not-eating-bread thing. suck it.), and we spent the rest of the night (until 5am, when i got home) debating vegetarians and evolution.

as i've said countless times (and thank you moonflake and zenstar for the recommendations and loans): everyone should read terry pratchett - the science of discworld (both parts). everyone. subjectivity is all-powerful, awareness of that subjectivity is crucial. oh - and until a realistic and tasty alternative to eating meat can be offered, i'll stick to dead-cow's bum. thanks anyway.

hell, if it comes down to controlling animal over-population - just give me a spear... and a napkin.

and FFS, someone has got to get the message out that there is a distinction between killing and murder. PLEASE.

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