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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


totally werf it. definitely, definitely werf it.


i watched most of call of cthulu... beautifully done.

spot and supernerd (the guy's whose project we're going to be working on) arrived, and we had a long and rather arbitrary (and repetetive... it was also kind of repetitive) meeting. he then gave us a ride to the base, because i'd forgotten my phone charger.

we arrived on base to a gate crawling with people we know, so no problems getting in. firefighter - who i think i may start referring to as "the toss" - joined us for an hour or two of unreal tournament. i got bored after a few games, so i quit and tested out a theory of mine on gta. my theory was correct - it involves tanks and car paint - but if you get impatient... which i do... then you can fuck up completely. good thing i'd saved.

spot and i took a cab to his grandmother's place, and had an awesome cannaloni supper. we bloody well stuffed ourselves. to the point of pain. we had to take siesta afterwards, and slept until around 22.30.

we went off to the lincoln, which was nice. and the last game we both started playing properly, which was fun.

we then took a cab to the meimad. on the way, the cab driver expressed his confusion that the two of us spoke both hebrew and english "natively". i was well chuffed.

we got there at opening time, 00.30, and spot got in for free again (still kind-of his birthday). and a bottle of champagne. well, sparkling wine, 4%, but still something.

the meimad kicked ASS. every aspect - especially good looking women - that sucked in the mossad yesterday, was simply brilliant in the meimad. i jumped up and down the entire night, and had a lot of fun.

at some point, we were dancing at the back, and spot was on my right. suddenly he disappeared, and i felt someone pushing past behind me, so i assumed it was him and pushed back hard.

it wasn't him. it was some poor fool holding a drink, and when he landed it was with the crash of smashing glass.


he'd managed to hold on to his drink, and landed on an empty - fortunately he was alright, and i managed to convince him that it wasn't intentional... even though it really was. how embarrassing.

on our way back, we stopped at suduch for a toasted sandwich. while eating, we were transported into the twilight zone, we EVERYONE on the planet is an "ars" (packs of annoying kids who dress badly, and spend their time looking for fights that they generally don't win). that was trippy.

just arrived back at his grandmother's, now waiting for some hot water and then i'm putting myself to bed. my ears are shot, my body's sore, but DAMN that was worth it.

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