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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

hulk SMASH

not as much bulk, but definitely as much anger. i don't know what triggered this.

in reverse order, beginning now:

i just got back from the lizard, crazy party, but not great. i've been in a strange mood, and too many people just didn't do it for me. the music wasn't so great either.

i got to the lizard straight from the mermaid's (a bus and a long walk), where i spent the greater part of the evening. it was nice, and although we haven't slept together, it's nice to know she's relaxed about sex - quite refreshing after the last relationship.

during the day, i did pretty much nothing. a little tidying after the girls left, but i've still got a way to go. and i couldn't get the net connection on the new pc up and running, so i also couldn't get the sound sorted out. very frustrating.

at least it runs knoppix like a bomb. i can watch movies now - when i have the time.

i got home at 5.20am, from an INCREDIBLE party at the lizard. great music, excellent atmosphere, and i had a VERY pleasant run-in with the mermaid... we've decided to give it another shot.


got home from playing pool, and started watching closer. i'd forgotten how good the lines were, although aside from natalie portman the acting really was shite. the girls fell asleep in the first few minutes, and the mongoose called me to tell me to get over to the party immediately. i'm glad i obliged.

played pool at the lincoln, which was quite fun. after walking from the promenade, where we had a picnic "friday night supper" sitting on the pavement in the middle of everything, being total tourists. it was definitely an experience.

my cousin, her friend and i got back to my apartment, totally sunburned (me at least), after a long walk in serious heat. summer hasn't begun yet, and the sun is back with a vengeance.

the mongoose and i had a major water fight while on the way to azrieli - it got seriously out of hand. and he was in uniform, which is definitely not okay :P fun though...

spent the early afternoon with the gay pride parade, which was interesting. loads of people, loads of gorgeous girls, and way too much sunshine.

in the morning i'd tidied my room a little, after waking up from a 12 hour crash - missing my commander's housewarming.

oh well.


got half the day off, so went to herzeliya with the dog to pick up my check, deposit it, and return to tel aviv. that took more than the half day, and i only managed to get home around 8pm.


for the first half of the day, the dog and i played tekken in our office (because we have so much work that we WANT to do, of course!), did a bit of aforementioned work, cleaned the office, and played texas holden while waiting for the floor to dry. i came out on top, which was fun :)

i've no clue how i got up in the morning. at midnight, i still had a 20 minute walk ahead of me to get home, and i was EXHAUSTED.


my commander found me a totally crap task, real menial labour (in computing terms), that will more than fill my time for the next month. so i spent the day doing it. in the evening our team had to stay late in case there were problems, so we spent 5 hours playing tekken. and eating horrid pizza, and loads of munchies.

sum up:

i have loads of work to do, which i may or may not begin on now depending on how much the redbull is affecting me, and i'm beaten completely from the last week. tomorrow is a day for visiting the bank, working, and then heading off to the family from the holiday meal. and hopefully getting to the insane party lined up for tomorrow night. and then more working on monday. because that's what holidays are for.

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