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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

alright, i guess

almost anticipated - i slept through till it was time to catch the bus. i made it with a few seconds to spare, so i got to have "breakfast".

the food on the base seems to be taking a "random walk". but it's bad, no matter how random... and i consume an absolutely rediculous amount of sugar. it's stupid, and i have even less self-control with it than i do with cigarettes. which i've only smoked one of today (although it's relatively early, but if the first one was when i got home, i can't be doing too badly).

i actually worked quite a bit today, and got a bit of exercise to boot. using the word boot in a sentence is awkward when you're in uniform most of the time.

when i got home, i walked to the bank... which was closed. i wasted twenty minutes when i was already overheating, because i'd forgotten what day it was.

i've gotten a bit of work done, but i've got loads left... i really hope i get somewhere today. the mongoose is nagging after his work, and the company's is way more important, and we're way more behind.

i suddenly remembered on the way home that an up-north cousin is having a batmitzvah celebration tomorrow, and got all panicky that i hadn't been in contact with them, and would have to get up north, and not have enough time to work, and so on. but it turns out it's just a party for her friends, so i'll be skipping.

and spending this weekend on the kibbutz. ah-yeah.

oh... and my goggles rock even harder when my head's shaved. and i got a head-rub after lunch that the memory thereof turns me to jelly *pleased grin*

time to burn.

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