
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, July 23, 2012

it got me too

i finally realized that there are many things less worthy of blogging about than tweeting about, and i've combined the two [look! to the right! no, the other right!] in an attempt to cut down on the amount of text i attempt to capture in this format.


i went in to work with an express, simple, ultra-important mission and informed all and sundry that i was only in for two hours and that they would be consumed by said mission. instead, i didn't get anything done about it except for an hour-long strategy meeting, and spent the following five hours transforming another service into a worker role and discovering all sorts of weird and wonderful "features" along the way.

it was very late and i had a headache*, and i'm glad that i got home in time to go climbing with pg. the place was crawling (literally) with young kids, so it wasn't a good time to be there, but we made a good evening of it nonetheless and i almost (!) managed to pull myself completely over the 100% horizontal overhang. that was enough to satisfy me, i'll be hitting that again first thing next time.

* i had an argument with one of the guys that got ugly. it began with me trying to reconcile something that had gone wrong during a brief meeting, and i was quite upset to find that i'd made it worse. afterwards, scr told me that it wasn't me who'd gotten him all riled up and that he was only taking out the other frustrations, but either way i feel shitty about it. and i feel shitty about feeling shitty about it, because it was an argument about office politics and i know i don't want to be there dealing with all their bullshit. i wish i could turn off my "care" feature sometimes. thanks mom.

after showering, having it out with co-worker (it was friendly and peaceable and we achieved understanding) and quickly patching the new worker role, pg and i went out in search of dinner. we ran into karnaf on the way - it was only a little awkward - and eventually found ourselves at a sushi place fairly close by... my tofu noodles were decent. pg's sushi wasn't so delicious.

it's now something like two hours since we've been back, and i've been in touch with another artist, filed all my hours (i've just about reached my quota for the month, so it turns out that i was as busy as i felt), and now that i've mentioned it i haven't the slightest notion of where all that time went. i'm gonna study myself to sleep now.

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