
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, June 01, 2012


wednesday's quote of the day (from the creative writing workshop):
"i wouldn't argue with a sock puppet named "banjo" if it was carrying a giant mace"
"i wouldn't argue with a cardboard box if it was carrying a giant mace."


thought for the day:
is it just me, or is it weird that the measurement of cycles per second of a periodic phenomenon are named after a man whose surname is so similar to the german for "heart" that one can measure the pulse of one's "herz" in hertz?

"a human heart might be said to beat at 1.2 Hz" - wikipedia
the next in line was the realization that having long hair is a bitch, and it's been driving me crazy for a long, long time now, and if i'm not going to be dreading up anytime soon then i may as well just cut it. also, i'm already a bit disillusioned after the doof festival, that many arsim with dreads did kinda ruin it for me. but i don't want to "invest" in my hair, and pg doesn't want me to shave it completely, so she's going to have to learn to cut it or deal with my pseudo-bald noggin.

my presentation went even better than expected, but for some reason i found myself arguing a point with someone only to realize after we'd given up that she was saying what i'd originally thought, but had put it in such a way that i ended up taking an opposing stance. strange.

that weirdness was followed by a long, final class in which i consumed too much beer. although that wasn't a problem as such, i still stayed abreast of things and made a few points that our professor (as well as another one who sat in) very much appreciated, there was a statement that i made about other religions translating the bible into the vernacular that everyone ignored, and only a minute later did i realize, quietly, that what i'd said was explicitly factually incorrect. nobody said anything, and i felt silly for the rest of the class.

the anime screening was excellent, i returned home to pick up my wall climbing gear and pg, and we walked over there for an excellent hour or two. i'm proud of my personal achievements, but even more proud of her - and now that she's had some practice on me she's been authorized to lower others when they're done. also - she appears to enjoy the wall ^_^

we had dinner while watching an episode of seinfeld that actually made me laugh (the one where jimmy introduces himself to elaine in the third person), and before going to bed i put my newly acquired extension fu into practice for sorter's project, with smooth results :)



late waking, coffee with my niece, lunch with seg (the guy i took advice from) and his girlfriend, dinner with pg's family (and seeing the twins for the first time: too cute!) and now... i'm not sure. i'm not stressing about it either.


links of interest:

excellent programming definitions

excellent post-post modernism definiton (avant-disregard, if you will), much similar to my own take on things

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