
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, June 15, 2012

a full weekly - part i

[post divided retroactively]


the week began with a terrible, sleepless night (my feet were particularly achey), followed by early french class for which i was half-asleep. while i was resting on a couch at the coffee shop afterwards:

the blind man is seated across the table, and immediately i am struck by an overwhelming sense of curiosity: i can spy on this man as he eats and drinks without fear of being observed back. i refrain, however, because i'd hate to be watched like that. i am simultaneously aware that i am possessed of a sense of protectiveness that this man probably doesn't need: i look away but keep his coffee cup at the edge of my peripheral vision just so that i could react faster if he does clip it.


i guess it's because whatever his sins may be, he has already paid dearly for them.

that little experience was followed by a big one: a meeting with my advisor concerning the continuation of my seminar into a thesis. having submitted my seminar only a few days before, i was greatly and gladly surprised to receive my grade, which was higher than i expected. amusingly, i received it with a choice: i could resubmit, correcting it according to the comments in order to achieve an even higher grade, or continue with him and convert it into a thesis.
he made some very convincing arguments as to why it's in my interests to do the latter.

now that the week has gone by, my certainty has increased to the point where i'm about to fire off a mail to him and the MA advisor informing them of my decision.

what's behind door number two? a thesis that's already half-written and an advisor that believes in the work after seeing its foundation laid. in spite of a few harsh comments on the seminar paper, there was one word scribbled near the end which when i read it made me hear an angelic choir singing: "wow."

an hour later, it was with a fast-beating heart that i made my way to work. the stir created by my new look was a bit disorienting. the afternoon sped by fairly comfortably, and i returned home to rest in front of the telly before going out with pg to watch the avengers again.

it did not disappoint the second time. in fact, i was able to pick up on a few nuances that i'd previously missed and that made it even better.


my legs were feeling a bit better and i took a melatonin pill, so i had a much better night. i spent some time refining a world without flowers before paying the bank a visit*, and began catching up on oglaf comics (nsfw - so i'm not linking to them) on the bus to class.

* i know i should use the machine to cash cheques, it's cheaper and doesn't involve standing in line for half an hour. but the process of using the envelopes makes me uncomfortable and i'd rather not suffer the paranoia that i've messed something up and wasted the thing.

i was nervous during the reading, and breathless. in a strange way, it felt like the words took control and whenever i attempted to use my hands (as part of the piece's performance) i was surprised to see them visibly shaking. that said, the response was excessively positive and gave me a rush. now i must learn these words by heart.

the afternoon was spent on headachey web development and learning that i'd received bad requirements :(

i left early, heading to campus to meet wr... when i arrived, he was nowhere to be seen and wasn't answering his phone. also, my nose was blocked and the combination didn't put me in the prettiest of moods. at least he rocked up eventually.

i decided that i was going to pick up flowers for pg, and went on a mission that lasted way too long in the heat. i discovered, eventually, that there wasn't anywhere within a reasonable distance from our apartment - not knowing at the time that flowers can be picked up in the supermarket. on the way, i ran into one of my classmates and he tried to help: it was only later in the week that we realized the humour in my doomed quest for flowers after reading my poem that morning.

i rested a little and then ran, in silence because i haven't purchased replacement headphones yet. i'm beginning to think it's better that way - it's good time for reflection.

when i arrived home, we watched the seinfeld finale and did no homework.


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