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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

fixed bead karma and titanium nipples

well this one is going to be a real doozy.

our evening view
simply superb

today began fairly early, around lunchtime. not that there was any food to be found in my place; so be it. i ran a load of washing, and watched another mind-blowing episode of prison break - my heart aches knowing that i'm almost finished the season

i was wearing my weights, i stretched, and i touched and broke my bead-necklace which i'm ever-so-fond of. i managed to piece it back together, and burn the plastic just right to keep it tight... i'm obliged to suspect that this somehow undid the bad luck it's been providing me.

i hung out the washing, then took a bus to dizengoff. i spent the long ride amusing myself with observation games. pity i've got nothing to compare myself against.

the main roads of tel aviv were PACKED with throngs of weird people and good-looking (yet skankily-dressed) women. i made my way to the tattoo parlour to meet up with spot, and when i got there i was forced to make a decision about getting that piercing: it's not the first time in the last few weeks that the desire has overcome me. so i now have a shiny new titanium nipple-ring.

i was worried about it bleeding like the last time - it barely bled at all ^_^
the instructions i received completely contradicted the previous ones i received, so i'm wondering if that wasn't a cause of the problems i've encountered...
anyway, i consider the piercing +5 karma.

and aside from spot forgetting and hitting me in the chest, i've managed to keep it protected most of the day.

we took a walk in the sunshine to the farthest-north beach, where we met up with crasher and some friends of his. after a while, which included meeting some cute girl-friends of his and taking a long walk for some breezers, we started playing volleyball.

the volleyball was great fun, and we talked a lot of crap. so much so that one of the guys got offended and walked, which was a bit sad / stupid. when we finished, we all met up at one of the guys' house - he lives ON the friggin' beach. stunning pad. it was there that i began to take a more serious interest in this girl who'd been playing with us. let's call her lucky.

lucky is sporty, about my age, intelligent, interesting, and pretty much fits my bill when it comes to just about everything. so spot and i invited her for coffee when everyone else disappeared, and we went off in search of some. we found a good spot (terrible with the nicknames and everything), and we talked for hours. i really didn't notice the time go by.

we left when we were forced by a bomb-scare, promised to come back as soon as it was over to pay (we didn't, we'll have to go back soon - i feel shitty about it), and lucky drove us to my place (stopping to let spot grab some clothes). spot showered, so lucky and i got some private time, then i showered, then we went off to her place.

she lives in a really nice place in ramat hasharon. unfortunately, the three of us managed to push every wrong button her mother has, and spot and i got chucked out. how embarrassing!

so spot and i hung around the totally dead street while waiting for lucky - that was when i realized that it was already around 1am. DAMN. when she eventually rocked up, we walked to a pub to find it closed, then took a cab to tel aviv to meet up with crasher and a friend of his.

lucky and i had a good time just sitting and talking, and the music was great. the guys decided that it was time to bar-hop, so we moved on. lucky and i went off to get some food (i hadn't eaten the entire day), and were halfway through an excellent steak-salad when the guys decided that it was time to move on. buggrit.

then it was home-time. the story got a bit complicated, eventually we settled on my going with to ramat hasharon to drop her off, and being returned home on condition of payment for petrol. i had to draw cash, and crasher took a wrong turn and went over those sharp metal spikes the wrong way.

he missed the spikes by about a millimetre.

that was bloody lucky. i've returned home, now i'm going to buy some salt, shower, clean my metal, then go to bed.

it's been an excellent day.

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