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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, February 29, 2008

for the day

occurences for the day:

i began the day watching a movie of a live performance of tool - the grudge. when i realized he was prepping for the final scream i zoned, and time just stopped for its duration. there's nothing like seeing the humanity behind the sound.

first order of the day: post-office power of attorney. it's simple, so the kid can pick up my parcels :)
second order of the day: shopping with the kid. it bothers me that he's still under the influence of the fantasy that real work can be done without documentation and without consequences. and that's in spite of him already paying for his crimes by having coworkers bombarding him with queries as to how his code works and why...

the bus ride to afula was alright - i'm completely into darwin's watch and it's just as good as the others. when i bought it i wondered how much he could possibly have to say on the subject, but i'm most of the way through and it's still interesting and fresh... and very amusing. classic terry pratchett, no disrespect to his co-authors intended.

the chocolate liqueurs that i brought from france for my cousins is dangerously high quality and filled with a lot of alcohol. and they have a beautiful merangue dessert in the oven, which means that my no-chocolate-low-sugar diet is taking a break for the weekend. on the whole i've been extremely good, and i know that there's no justification, but i really, really, really want to taste that merangue.

thought for the day:
there's still room for religion. it's the fundamental right of every human to explain the unknown with bullshit, and then to attempt to prove that bullshit.
however, once the steaming pile of exrement has been uncovered, the time has come to face the facts and move on to the next dungheap. we can systematically dump and clear out these turds until all our questions have been answered, while maintaining a meaningful world-view.

religion may be the opiate of the masses, but real opium use doesn't start wars, and it most certainly doesn't deny scientific thought and discovery.

penny arcade links for the day:
advanced marbles that i can play for ages

garfield minus garfield, or "jon arbuckle, sad sod"
jim davis tributes

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