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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

with enya in the background

stardust is absolutely fantastic, breathtaking and lovely.

i began the evening by opening alice in sunderland. part of the title is "an entertainment", but it's way more of an education. wonderful stuff, beautifully put together.

i had a shower, got dressed, and took a slow walk to singer's. her brother picked us up, and we had dinner with her mom again. no hug, no kiss on the cheek, just an odd sort of hand-slap... i don't know what that means.

we came back here, then her other brother arrived, followed by the kid. the kid had called me earlier - spot's mother called him to give him a talking-to. i called spot to pass on a message to his mother that if she has anything to say, she can say it to me. the kid's been through enough this past year, he doesn't need any more stupid shit to deal with.

needless to say, we spent a long time discussing the spot situation. we're both feeling like characters in a movie, we know the whole truth of the situation while spot spreads his version of it to anyone who'll listen, and i'm not just talking about his family.

i'm still amused that his mother unashamedly called me a terrorist, and that i've been visiting my campaign of terror upon both my flatmates. this after spot's made my past few months of home-life unbearable.

at least he'll be out of my picture soon, and none of his current tripe will mean anything. his perpetual lying has definitely gotten the better of him, though.

anyway, we got the rest of that conversation out of our systems on the way to the movie, and the movie was brilliant. on the way back a discussion of tron led to a deeper discussion of human beings as processors and the concept of creativity and free-will.

once again, terry pratchett's science of discworld [I,II and III]is mandatory reading for EVERYONE (although granted, i haven't yet read the third).

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