
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

speeding up

sunday night turned out to be really special. for the first time in weeks i actually managed to go to bed early and sleep deeply.


i woke up "early" and went straight to work. i took nothing but my kindle, and am now, and for the next while at least, reading entirely for pleasure - crazy!

i returned home to shower, dress up and drive to the wedding. i used waze, and waze used my battery - it's impressive, though. i was doing really well for the first twenty minutes of the drive, but whether the car seat was wrong for me or whether my serious back issues since sunday were causing havoc, the rest of the trip had me feeling a bit off and a few times i considered pulling over and letting pg drive...

we arrived more or less on time. the first stop is always the box for sliding in envelopes containing cheques, and i pulled out the cheque to fill it in only to discover that i'd ripped out the example and not a real one. completely bloody useless :$

in a strange turn of events, there wasn't much food before the ceremony. there was, however, plenty of cheap alcohol. the wedding itself was fun, there was less awkwardness than usual, and the main meal had a vegetarian option, at least. not only did i pointedly not make a fuss about the starter - nystire was very considerately pointing out my dietary choices to the nervous-looking waitress when i stopped him - but i enjoyed my plate because
a) from a health point of view, it's a celebration and there's no problem with letting the tastebuds dance once in a while and
b) from an ethical / environmental / principle point of view, the animal was killed and while i won't buy meat, i also don't like the idea of letting it go to waste.

just saying.


pg and i woke up super-early to find a decent parking. it was at that point that i registered just how much alcohol i'd consumed the night before. it was a lot. i felt it.

i had no trouble getting back to sleep, though. i slept late, rolled into the office late, and had moderate success at work: there were no bosses around and that seemed to make things work better. the irony is that they've taken to having their big meetings off-site so that they're not constantly distracted :P

i'd planned on going to see hatachtonim ("underpants") perform, but pg wasn't up to leaving the apartment. so instead i had an important talk with my mum before scarfing down some food and going rollerblading.

the route seemed easy and short - i suspect it has something to do with the amount of socializing i was doing :P

i was barely productive after i got home, so i went to bed early.


i left for the meeting slightly later than planned, arriving five minutes later than the time we'd agreed on and about twenty minutes before the other guy :P

the intense heat at such a stupid hour of the day was worrying.

we discussed my participation in the icon festival for a very short time, compared to the hour and a half state of the nation, the world and the realities of science fiction and fantasy that are slowly being incorporated in our collective reality.

there's some cool stuff waiting in the wings for us. also, it seems like i've just made a friend with some seriously good connections here and abroad.

i grabbed a falafel and finished it just as the bus to work arrived (good timing!), and work was... look, a part of the reason work was cool is because i'm feeling much calmer. a huge part of that is that i'm caring less, and therefore stressing less. another part of that is that today i finally got an opportunity to sort out one of the projects, and i can now perform proper QA from my local machine.

imagine that for the past six months i've been working on this project and have not been able to do that.

i left when i felt like it, and got home in time to say goodbye to pg as she went for a walk, from which i took inspiration and followed soon after for a run. i ran quite well; the only problem was that i encountered a lot of zombies in the park - and by zombies, i mean penguins. and by penguins, i mean ultra-orthodox blocking the paths with their multitude of perambulators and recklessly zig-zagging children.

pg and i watched an episode of romeo x juliet while we ate, and i was going to get tons of things done but her brother came over and we just returned now from an evening drinking, talking and smoking a nargila on the roof. it was really nice.

alone on the wall is an incredible video about alex honnold; the man is a mind-blowing climber. the feat in the video is only topped by the ascent of alex honnold. alex honnold is a man constructed almost entirely of win.

i'm irritated by steam for two reasons: the first is that they made me choose a complicated password, and their instructions for resetting are totally unhelpful. the second is that hero academy introduced team fortress characters today, and hero academy was supposed to become available on the pc through steam simultaneously. when i went in to purchase / unlock it (i feel i should be able to just download it if i've already paid for the game on my iphone), i was told it would only be coming out tomorrow... and now i looked again and it says the 16th august. that's not cool.

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