
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, March 07, 2011

more crocodiles

with snapping and gnashing and general scaliness - this month is kinda... not good.

one thing i forgot to mention about saturday evening was a very funny attempt to teach pg a couple of xhosa words i know...

the day began with an average poetry class and a bitter after-taste of seeing the comments from my freud paper. they were stupid. hopefully tomorrow's meeting with the department head will clear things up. i just want closure.

trying out angry birds on the bus to work turned into exercise as i missed my stop... the workday began with lecturing the other dev guy about the evils of over-complication, explaining to the boss why the rewrite needs to take place, and then heading off to have a mole removed from my lower back.

i forgot my sweater at the office, but it didn't matter. it was HOT today. a dusty, dirty warm that would indicate summer if it didn't point towards an unhappy desert heat wave. i've never dreaded summer before - this one's going to be a scorcher :(

i didn't have to wait too long for the doctor to begin with the anaesthetic, but he then drew the curtains and forgot about me. about half an hour later i heard him calling from a distance, as he'd thought i'd gone outside or something.


the procedure was simple, although it's going to be a bit uncomfortable for the next two weeks. one fun thing about stitches is that strangers suddenly become more intimate. nothing like trying to climb onto a bus with a crowd of people standing *just* too close for comfort :S


what is it with "express" queues??? i don't give a shit about how many items you're paying for - what i care about is how long it takes you to complete your transaction and get out of my way so that i can get on mine. things inappropriate in an express queue:
a) exceptionally slow person working the till
b) exceptionally slow customer. if pulling out your wallet takes more than ten seconds, you're out.
c) specials. don't offer the express queue customers specials.
d) troublemakers. people who arrive with coupons and other special requirements.
e) when the express queue limit covers more than the average customer's purchasing requirements, it becomes the slower queue.

today i got caught with a) and e). suck.


my bestest friend, the other dev guy, showed me today how grossly underpaid i am. i had to argue with him for five minutes before his lights went on and he realized his mistake. then i had to spend a couple of hours (on and off, my patience has easily reachable limits) babysitting him. he seems to think sideways, and not in a good way :/

he was trying to show me how using dynamically loaded classes was more efficient that a single, coherent class of related functions. it was only once he began to create what i'd told him to that he could see that because his code was stored externally from our code base its travesty of efficiency was simply hidden away.
i had to be embarrassed for him, as he doesn't seem to realize how far his programming is from what i would consider to be "logic 101": K.I.S.S.

i ate a lot today. 'cause "i eat when i'm unhappy".

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