
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

still sleepin'

peanut butter and marmite - they don't have to be on the same slices to be a good combination. the tough bit is deciding which to eat last :P [marmite]

i'm still tired. i didn't feel properly awake at any time today. my back aches and i haven't any energy.
that made today the ideal day for having my final argument with central command. i probably shouldn't have screamed out "WE NEED TO DESTROY THEM!" when the call ended in deepest frustration.

i sense early onset winter: i came home too late to play frisbee, and a couple of weeks ago i would still have had time. depressing. at least tomorrow should happen - my taekwondo instructor's in korea this week so we can shift training around (if we manage to organize it at all).

i need to organize a 4th ed. DM and players' handbook for d&d (or shadowrun, i'd prefer); i'm not prepared to buy unless we begin playing consistently...

amusing thought for the day: a martial arts tournament. one of the fighters goes down. his opponent doesn't go to his corner. [reference: wikipedia]

their was no shuttle this morning. officially. unofficially, we drove to the last stop before the base, and all got out to take a bus the rest of the way.
i kid you not.

i was supposed to attend a security briefing (how to avoid terrorism when travelling internationally), but the people in charge couldn't figure out what to do with someone who hasn't applied yet*, so i was treated to the shortened version while holding the line.

* one must have tickets in order to attend the briefing. one cannot buy tickets which conflict with any information gleaned in the briefing.

the end of the day was taken up by a 2.5 hour analysis of everything we did wrong during a big project a year or two ago. i sent a note to the kinder explaining to him that he dropped the lead (most productive in the meeting) the second he stopped picking his nose.

towards the end, the unit commander began to speak. it was the final summation, so we couldn't get up to go to the bathroom... guess what happened... [no accidents, fortunately, but it felt like one was closing in]

i just did some shopping, and my good deed for the year (buying the crazy insult-lady a coke), and in a bit our caretaker should be back. gotta sort out the fees. yay.

stunning photo concept: patched slices on a timeline

huh - just looked at a facebook photo of a girl that was "suggested" to me by someone i serve with. either they think i'm desperate, or that i have really bad taste. i don't think i need to call her.

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