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Monday, November 13, 2006


okay - i had a rather lengthy post and it got lost. normally it's incredibly frustrating when that happens. but when some stupid fucker intentionally pulls the power cable because he doesn't like your music... on a fucking WORK MACHINE... when i had a test still running since friday that needed until tomorrow morning to finish... and this stupid fucker happens to work with you...

i thought i'd calmed down a bit, but apparently not. here's my personal i'm-going-to-bed-so-no-fun-post point form. stupid prick. yes, it was nql. 30 years old and behaves like a little child. AND he sucks as a programmer.

saturday: woke up for a mike's place breakfast in the early evening. same shitty waitress. bacon was more crispy than it should have been. other than that it was really nice.

my server's broken, so i couldn't get any work done. we played hours of poker instead, i'm hoping spot'll be keen to post a comment with some details. basically, the six and queen of spades got me back in the game in a big way, the pocket kings helped me clean up, and i spent 20 mercy-minutes throwing money away before calling it a night. i'd had to borrow money to play, and collected money through the day.

sunday: the day began with a 2 hour meeting, which was painful. out of nowhere, in the middle of a tense period, our SC mentioned to the guy testing us on quality procedures that our TL was dating the girl on our client's side. that was dirty...

the mongoose's big mouth has potentially ruined the whole "IDF spirit" thing, after tons of work and effort. prick.

i spent some of the day dealing with a course that some kids are trying to get me to waste a week on, when i'm over-qualified to TEACH the course. it's about how to deal with civilian life. huh.

the rest of the day was spent on piles: he was sent off to our primary base to be court-martialled. for something completely out of his control. they realized before actually committing that it was stupid, and sent him back. fools.

we got some good team exercise during the last half hour, then i went off to work. nql and i proceeded to not get along, and i left completely pissed off. i went back to spot's grandmother's place for supper, on the way back made a pass at some cute neighbour girls - that bombed, and then spot and i did some shopping and the three of us (the kid) watched alien - the director's cut which was awesome. now i'm going to bed.

stupid internet problems... this post was ready at 2am.

1 comment:

  1. and yes, this was my point form. the original included three lengthy stories.


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