
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


whoa - just saw the cabin in the woods. i'm so glad i saw that on the big screen! totally worth it. i enjoyed both the falling-off-the-seat bits and the giggling-with-child-like-glee bits...

... well, i suppose "child-like" might not be the best description :)



pg *did* want to go to dinner, and we ended up all the way across the road at goocha. we both ate too much, it was exquisite as usual.



i slept really badly but had loads of powerful, feel-good (at least afterwards) dreams. waking up with pg and forgetting not to press her buttons so early in the morning almost got me defenestrated :/

i left early for campus, thinking to get some studying for the french test done, but the bus arrived right on time. the test was alright, i guess. class was pleasant as usual, even if it did require a second round of coffee. i arrived tired for the next class, a freud / lacan special that i knew would only make me more so. i was set to "bored" really quickly, so i tuned out and carried on with that piece i've been working on. i suspect that i wouldn't have as much patience for fine-tuning the meter if i had anything better to do :P

work was comfortable, even with cloud being down and totally screwing our systems, and i got what needed doing done without stressing too much - for once i left that to the boss.

i was attached to the facebook app all the way home, engaged in an angry argument with a presumptuous gco. he began to really piss me off when he started comparing student protestors to palestinian rock-throwers, and a number of things he said to me about my military service were made even more offensive by the fact that he's never served and has no idea what he's talking about. i'd had a really pleasant day, but by the time i got home i was angry. really, intensely angry. it took me a while to calm down.

the early evening was nice, with pg preparing a huge, delicious dinner which we ate while watching more romeo x juliet, i had a productive meeting with sorter and watched the pax east q&a, which is funny and sweet and links to cool shit.

blading was moved from tuesday to sunday (no sports on the day of remembrance), and was somehow mashed up with earth hour (which we missed), but the ride was fun even if it was less exercise than we needed :P

once home i had a long chat with my mum before going to bed.



last night i slept really well. there was no way i was getting up for an early run, though, and i've decided that that's a bad plan. perhaps monday evening instead of monday morning is better balanced.

today was a beautiful spring day, and class was really enjoyable. work was frustrating though, and i had a hard time keeping it together. i just wanted to go home, and i kept getting stuck doing insanely intricate work... i left really late - so much so that walking out of the office just in time to catch the bus home didn't make me feel better.

pg and went for a planned walk around the city, which culminated in us getting tickets for the cinema. my kibbutz cousin called just before we left, and although i was amazed at the story of her sudden travels* i only had half an ear because we needed to get going and i didn't have enough battery left to unplug...

* someone she works with walked into her office last week and convinced her to join a group of fellow travel agents for five crazy days in spain; not only did she go, she took her daughter as well - for someone who doesn't do spontaneous, that's pretty darn impressive!


i was thinking this morning that i should plan my trip to canadia for spring, and then a couple of hours ago scrapper sent me a link to the tour schedule and asked if i'm game. hmmm. yes, i think i just might be ^_^

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