
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

tough on the legs

my legs were so stiff that i could barely sleep last night. it probably didn't help that i went to bed too early because i'm not comfortable with sitting up late with the light on when pg's sleeping - even though she claims that she doesn't have a problem with it.

first class was alright, although i distracted myself by applying for a job with ibm. my heart wasn't into tone and attitude. one of my classmates and i were comparing poetry beforehand, and earlier this evening considered starting a small group of after-school poetry writing and review. his shit's pretty hardcore - maybe i'll be inspired to up my standards :P

our professor expressed enthusiastic interest when i described our plans to execute wr's idea of a mad hatter's tea party for purim - here's hoping we have a winner! although writing nonsense poetry is tough.

i went searching for the italian wearing a hat but found the head of the master's program instead. she confirmed the rumour i'd heard on thursday, that i should be making an effort to impress with my seminar. i had lunch with pg, was disappointed that wr was in class (we were supposed to meet to discuss my imaginary seminar), spoke to an old lady about her flexibility at the bus stop (how the fuck do these things happen to me so often?!) and went to work.

my computer wasn't responding. i checked mail from another pc, then entered the meeting that i'd thought i'd avoided.
what would they do without me?

after we'd sorted out pretty much everything, the guy we spoke to tried to give us a demonstration but his system wasn't having any of it. i managed to come out tops in a(n office-)politically charged debate - my boss was well pleased - and then i returned to my desk to diagnose my pc as dead. when my boss asked me how i was getting along, i told him i'd just found my computer to "have died" (נפטר or niftar) - which sounds like "problem solved" (נפתר, also niftar). after resolving the ensuing confusion, i was treated to a demonstration of the usefulness of our CEO: he came to fix it.

so if it's a hardware problem, call the BIG boss.

i spent the rest of the work day upgrading the SVN gui (what a miserable failure of an installation file) and confirming something i'd begun to suspect on the way to work: i'd misunderstood our alert mechanism, and created an alert for a critical condition without passing it into the pipeline. the new guy has agreed with me that we need to connect the object and the pipeline so that the creation of an alert will be enough to have it sent. isn't that just a little more logical? i think so.

i skipped off early to meet with nystire. we had coffee, talked, and he handed me a couple of gifts from south africa - red riding hood treats' hot wasabi nuts are sinus-clearing and morish. venco drop for the win!

a couple of hours at home doing not much (like watching an episode of arrested development: not bad), a serious and enlightening heart-to-heart with pg, and i'm now ready to get busy with preparing for tomorrow... it's not late, is it?

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