
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

sick time

it's 3am, and the shift has begun. i've been feeling a bit woozy since about 11pm...



why would the municipality mandate single-use cups for the coffee shops on the avenue? tahoma and i met for breakfast, and we didn't stop talking until we were on the bus leaving the borders of tel aviv. i already wasn't feeling good, but the discussion was interesting and i wasn't falling over. not yet.

the first hour or two was spent waiting for my boss to return - in my defense, i didn't call him to solve the environment issue we were having because i was told that he'd be back "soon".
"soon" - such a flexible word.

it was then that i began feeling *really* sick, but i was at work already and my brain was still fairly functional so i decided to stay until the end of the day, which only got longer and harder as the hours dragged on by. there were ups and downs, but they were mostly downs.


i left like a zombie, and it was hot, and after waiting a while for the bus... the bus wasn't packed. it was half-packed. we had to squeeze on, in spite of the back half being empty. heck, the bus driver didn't even pick passengers up for two stations, so those poor bastards had to wait in the heat for the next one. after those two stops enough people got off that i could stand up from the steps and confirm my suspicions (i hadn't had a line of sight), and i loudly and verbosely expressed our desire for a little breathing room in spite of our obvious love of such strange intimacy.

and suddenly there was space. all i could think of was how much i despise lack of situational awareness and stupidity, and these people had, to me, failed an iq test.


i was wiped out and a bit grumpy too; i lay on the couch with pg to watch more episodes of friends and eventually, when she went to rollerblade, preemptively called mmf and my boss to alert them to the possibility that i would be working from home today.


the new wired arrived! and that reminded me that i'd missed an issue - i *really* need to pay my apartment a visit. speaking of which: it shocks me how little most people understand about basic economics.
government interference in pricing is never a good thing.

loads of people are out protesting, they have been all week, for a ceiling to the rent in tel aviv. that makes no sense whatsoever, because all the home-owners will get screwed and some of us need the high rent to pay off our mortgages. supply and demand ensure the fairest prices possible, and it's impossible to say what the long-terms effects of such dramatic and stupid meddling could be.


last night was tough - i was feverish without the fever, unable to sleep, hot and confused and uncomfortable. it was a long, tough night.
but i woke up feeling better. still tired, mind, but definitely better. still too weak to start walking and bussing...

i read an article yesterday about multitasking, and working from home today really drove the points home. also: google+ is awesome. and my body's nobody's body but mine. and i'm not socially inept.

i left home a bit late, waited at the first stop. i gave up and moved to the second stop where there'd be more buses, *just* in time to watch the bus i'd been waiting for go past. it was unlikely that it would be profitable to wait at the second if the first bus had gone past, so i walked on the the third, where there'd be different buses... and i crossed the road *just* as one of the useful ones went past. it amazes me that i still managed to arrive on time, in spite of having had to jump another two buses to make it.

after half an hour of coffee and organizational arguments with wordsworth, we took tea and tarts with our poetry professor* and had a productive and interesting meeting.

* which reminds me, my grades were finally updated and my average for the last year now stands at 90.88%. not bad, even if i personally thought that i should have done better.

i was a bit stressed about leaving so late for work, but i got a ride from wordsworth and ended up arriving a bit early.

atk - an app for the iphone that's currently only available in israel. it's an early stage prototype for a complex real-life gaming system that i envisioned a few years ago, and i couldn't restrain myself. i've sent them an email with a short bug report (the aiming's dependent on gps only, which has weird effects inside the office) and a couple of suggestions. i'm really enthusiastic about the potential for this, and wish them the best of luck!


wow. the shift's almost over. it began rough because, as usual**, nobody'd done the daily mail-check since the weekend. on a different note, it turns out you can transfer contacts from facebook to gmail (and therefore, to google+) if you open a yahoo account and import your contacts, then export to csv. and that pretty much sums up what i've learned tonight.

** i haven't done a shift in months, and nothing's changed :/

i hope thursday is chilled. at least i don't have to get up *too* early :P

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