
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, January 12, 2015



back in feudal japan, my second time in the emperor's gymnasium's yard with his son where we'd been defeated previously by sorcerers (one an elephant in human form). my alarm woke me just as we were positioning ourselves in a way we hoped would give us a chance this time around.

the gymnasium was absolutely beautiful, but i didn't have time to take photos and that saddened me because the last time the sorcerers torched the building...

a great morning right until the point where i made an inappropriate joke that made gd feel bad, and while i apologized immediately i only thought of what i *should* have said just before reaching the metro. it would have to wait until evening, but that fortunately was fine

a strange day at work, good german office collaboration and making myself legally useful 
loads of centos hassles but eventually figuring things out

arriving a bit late for kickboxing, doing a really good class and handling just fine until the crazy lunges exercise after which my bum and thighs locked up - forcing me to stretch after conditioning, which i guess is a good thing

gd panic about hydro quebec screwing us over just as winter's getting going... it's probably because i did some budget calculations on thursday and determined that we could finally manage a trip to see my family :/

bad eating and getting things off our chests.
do i live in the past? as long as i'm functional (and present) in the present and managing my future, is remembering a lot of stuff not normal and healthy?

the problem with ice cream before bed is having to brush away the aftertaste


late sleep-in, lunge-legs still sore and stiff, a very good chilled morning, beautiful, beautiful weather promising snowboarding glory

slow-minded morning, long lunch unable to decide what to do with my brain... researching hydro quebec's new metres is incredibly frustrating, turns out they no more dangerous than wifi routers and that their accuracy is highly questionable

slow and steady progress but entirely friday motivated

back home for a shopping mission, the rest of john dies at the end and two unfortunate incidents to highlight how much effort i need to put into fixing how i respond to certain things


a long night, a short sleep and a very sore post-squats bum on waking
good hustle to get ready, being joined by the heavy-smelling village drunk on my way into the metro who "blessed" me moments before i almost took a tumble on the ice outside the station

falling asleep on my feet in line for the bus, crashing for an hour then uncomfortably dozing for the next forty five minutes 

good start but f%#$&ing $10 locker stupidity 
at least it was a beautiful day.
napping after lunch in the cafeteria
stunning early afternoon and discovering two new trails at avila

the #jesuis stuff: charlie, juif and ahmed

gorgeous last runs but ending with a neck spasm :(
macdonald's and more french practice with patrick senécal -
bus ride with no-headphones-man and coughboy
gd's brother's visit with gifts
great dinner, crashing heavily on the couch and waking up to a weird hunger and a sore tooth


good rest, late sleep
amazing copper branch breakfast and shopping
haircut and shopping
"whoremoans" made us laugh hysterically, otherwise we might have cried. one of us, at least.

delicious dinner and flight of the conchords

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