
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

winds of change?

i was tired and sleepy today. at the beginning there was some good apartment sale news, but there're a few nagging things that need to be sorted out and it's a chore. i can't say i appreciated the surprise phone call from israel while on the can, all i could identify was the country code :(

there was also a response from the letter i sent last night, and it seemed positive. we'll see how things go, i hear that balls have started rolling in the office and wondered if the general sense of calm had to do with me simply being relaxed after making my peace with my situation. the alternative is that darn has heard that something's up and is being cautious.

actual work-wise: a successful hunt for an obscure bug made me feel pretty good, and i got some satisfaction by finding an elegant solution to an ugly problem. otherwise my day was consumed by management and coaching.

perhaps it was spending too much time indoors, or maybe i was suffering a post-pre-workout protein shake bellyache. either way i left for boxing unsure if i was ready to return. i knew i had to take it easy, beginning with the jog to the gym. first comment from the instructor?
"dude, you look like a retard."

i wasn't too offended because i knew what he meant, but he couldn't tell me what to fix. his only advice is to get a rubber rope, but you know what? the cord i'm using is making me work harder physically but it's cause for me to take more pride in the sets i get right. i stopped more times because i was tired than because i was tripping myself or hitting myself in the head - as i told one of the girls later, maybe... maybe i should just make my peace with looking a little goofy.

i wasn't a tough training, partially because i worked with a southpaw who's new to the number system so it took forever to get in sync on each exercise. by the end of the lesson we'd switched partners and i was working with a veteran. he's recovering from a broken rib on his right side so i had to avoid liver shots, but he had no such restrictions and i was pretty sure he was going to hurt me. boy, was *i* surprised when i had to repeatedly tell him to up the power! when he said "dude, you're like a wall!" i was pleased as punch ^_^

[yes, i couldn't resist.]

the girl that everyone's scared of and that scrapper fantasized about doing impact training with? i made a remark about almost being ready for her and was told that next time i'll be obliged. oh, shit... :P

i watched trigun - getting deeper - and then had a loooong chat with my mom (oh, skype, you world-changer you) while i made dinner. then i settled down to eat in front of orange is the new black that's keeping up the pace. you know that idiom that "work expands to fill the available time"? did it really take me a whole episode to eat my salad? and on that note, the night is over already.


godsdammit! darkside skittles are addictive. "the other side of the rainbow" for sure.

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