
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

it wasn't wednesday

waking up at stupid o'clock three days in the week totally throws me off. i thought today was wednesday, so i was all relaxed. until i was really late, and it was only miraculous bus timing that got me into class fifteen minutes after it had begun.

it took me a few minutes to stop being completely lost :P

after class, i took time out for a long, pleasant breakfast with pg at the nearby mall, then casually made my way to work. i stopped at the entrance for a ten minute phone call with my insurance company, who refuse to communicate via email because they record their phone calls and emails can be deleted. that doesn't sound logical at all.

while i was talking to them, a small marble slab came loose from the wall i was standing next to and fell on my foot.

i walked into the office, set down my bag, fired up my pc and was about to make coffee when my phone reminded me that i had class in fifteen minutes - godsdammit, a schedule change mid-semester is really confusing!

i rushed back to campus, almost taking a cab until i discovered how much that would cost. usually i won't even pay for buses that aren't covered by my student card rates, but today one came past as i arrived at the stop and i made an exception, managing to get to class just fives minutes late.

sometimes, the buses outside of tel aviv don't suck.

during a break, i received word that pg's sister had just given birth - awesome! my blood-nieces and nephews are all grown up, so now that my sister-almost-in-law's a mommy i get to be an uncle with a more traditional age gap :)

during that break, i also had lunch. the noodles were awful.

after class, i walked and talked a ways with my professor. parting was supremely awkward: i mean, i couldn't leave the dude hanging for a knuckle-bump...

i took off to work, and the first two hours were consumed with arguments over intra-office communication and knowledge management. of which there is very little. eventually i even managed to get my boss to agree to allow the developers to develop automated testing procedures...


i know so much about how *not* to manage a company it's ridiculous.

i bussed home, ate home-made sushi in front of an episode of hellsing (pg chose it), and then worked a bit before strapping on blades for the evening roll. it was a great evening weather-wise, not very social but the route was magnificent and we had fun. now that i've showered and chatted with my mum, it's really late, i have work to do AND i have to be up stupid early again...

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