
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, September 23, 2011

still restless

so i was the only one awake on time for the meeting that didn't occur this morning? at least i didn't presume that it was actually going to take place... i simply couldn't get back to sleep, though. i spent the day either reading, or in front of the computer, when i wasn't shopping for bristol boards, saying goodbye to the taekwondo instructor* or sitting with urchin.

* she asked if i wasn't going to train, and i said: "nope, this is where we part ways; i've come to say goodbye." i thought that was pretty dramatic, but she didn't so much as bat an eyelid. "okay," she said, "come take your book before you go." that totally surprised me.

the bristol boards are for tomorrow morning's promenade event - as i was purchasing them the clouds opened up and it rained. proper rain, after two minutes of which the streets were made practically impassable without galoshes. bloody israeli street planning and lack of sewerage :/
none of us organizers had seen this coming, and we hurried to find alternatives to reading poetry in the park tomorrow. that cost a lot of phone calls and things still aren't finalized :S

i spent a while trying to convince urchin to go ahead with her plan to open shop; she's lined up all her ducks and the only thing interfering is her mother, who doesn't have a clue what's up. in other news, she's very excited about the project i conceptualized last night, and we should be getting started soon :)

pg's been in a bad way today - her one eye's been giving her a hard time and her successes with the eye-drops are often offset by the misses. i can only do so much when she closes her eye on me as the drop falls :P we just had delicious dinner down the road, but she spent most of the time with her eyes either closed or weeping. my pity for her didn't transfer to her mother's dog, though, who i still have no patience for... we had to walk her a lot to get her to relieve herself.

i'm most of the way through titus: holy crap. tough to watch, but absolutely astounding and brilliant in every way.


this is absolutely mental: reading pictures from one's mind. if they manage to take this research down the course they're intending, it could open up so many possibilities that the mind boggles.

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