
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



after first class, a few of us created the humanities forum to discuss fixing broken systems and outsmarting bureaucracy. after a great second class, it was time for lunch; a quick talk with pg, and poetics and politics with wordsworth. we then moved to the labs, to sit on poetry and the manifesto before sitting down for a talk with sir ronald harwood.

the man is brilliant.

his description of his writing process reminded me of the introductory chapter to the scarlet letter, where hawthorne lives with his characters... his slamming of our freudian professor's attempts to employ psychoanalytic techniques was rather satisfying :D

i'd had a headache for most of the day, was even fighting word-soup during first class when i had a point to make, and it peaked after the lecture. our systems gave me trouble at work, and i wasn't even conscious of how much i was swearing until the other dev guy pointed it out :$

i got home late, exhausted, and after discovering that the manifesto's translation to hebrew wasn't done to satisfaction (the advantages of having a linguistics and hebrew language student around) i put myself to bed. i was completely lost to the world until about 10am, which is a meaningless time because i haven't a clue what time i lay down.



the day began with a skype call to my sister - it was so nice to talk to her! and i now understand the difference between skype *with* a webcam: maybe i should try to find mine. it's around, somewhere :P


using quartz requires slf4j. sneaky. here i was trying to minimize the amount of new things to get into my head... at least slf4j is a no-brainer :)

i can't remember my physiotherapist's name. how embarrassing.
she complained about my beard interfering with the electrocution. oh, no! so only half my face was traumatized :P
saying goodbye was awkward. she just took off the clips, said "oookay" and disappeared :P

on the way back to work, i shocked a surveyor who was staring at me by greeting him, then grabbed a good meal on my way into the office. what a difference having a trash can next to my desk makes!

i learned a hard lesson today about System.exit: you're damned if you don't (weird errors and exceptions) and you're damned if you do (schedulers can't be run). *sigh*

my rant regarding an unfinished coke bottle was spread over both sides of a meeting (i sent a rude email to the entire department, decrying the offender as a non-participant in our civilization), and upset pg by informing her that i wasn't going to leave work early "because she feels like it", nor was i going to let nemesis down when he's waited a week to be able to meet with me (i have a tough schedule :P).

i don't know if she was really upset, but her sms'es made me laugh so much that i had to call her. i may have made things worse, but i haven't laughed so hard in a while :D

i've gotten a lot of work done, and now i'm off. maybe the beer'll be good for my head.

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